![]() ![]() Back in the early 1990's, when women's fashions were in their prime, no one was more in tune with them than me. In fact, I was so aware of what was going on that I was able to predict what the next trend would be. The only trend I could not foresee, however, was the grunge movement. But then, who could have known that just as women's clothing was reaching unprecendented levels of beauty and creativity that ugly would be the next hottest thing? How could I have known that there were people out there - designers even - who actually hate beauty? It was an unpleasant learning experience. Happily, though, I believe that the fashion industry's explorations into ugliness have exhausted themselves. What could be more tiresome - and ugly - than the Gap's latest print ads which feature dirty, hairy streetpeople - or their pimpleless 'fashion' model equivalents doing nothing but staring stupidly into the camera? For the first time in a very long time I feel a new fashion trend coming on, one not appropriate for the bottom of a garbage can but rather the dawn of a new millenium. I believe people want to start the new age with optimism, eagerness and enthusiasm, not with the colours of a sunset but with the promising colours of a new dawn glistening off a futuristic civilization. And as with all new beginnings we will take with us only the very best of the last decade, the simplicity, the cleanliness, the femininity of the early 1990's and the shimmering metallics of today. I see pastel shades but in only the happiest and most outrageous colours. The same goes for translucence. Women are comfortable with the idea of translucence and desire it still, but they want it in the season's newest colours - "we have it, now let's do something with it", is the feeling. The same goes for clean, but form flattering suits. Nothing fancy or pretentious, and certainly no shoulders, just colourful, modern, excuciatingly simple, and very very feminine please. To sum up the next trend: Our comfort with sophisticated forms of body baring is exemplified and made unquestionable by brighter, eye-catching colours. (Perhaps we will even see satiny nipple paints, glosses, glitters, or glazes as in the drawing above?) We will see the best of the last decade minus the anti-value hatred and hesitation - simple suits, bright colours, new metallics, and new forms of figure flattery. Tіp Offs: Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt, Gіоrgіо Armаnі Spring collection, Playboy's lingerie show, Smаrt Sеt. Result: Black is death. It just doesn't cut it for the dawn of a new age. And so, thank God, is any fashion that tries to use it, or tries to embody what it signifies, including the 'fashions' of the last several years. Fаshіоn's Dаrk Ages are over. I believe I can see the light. To get a small taste of what's to come check out the Gіоrgіо Armаnі Spring/Summer 2000 Collection. To see what's already here, check out Smаrt Sеt. ![]() | ![]() |