January 9, 2005. To find out what kind of images we're looking for at Body in Mind simply look at these photos by Jаy GrееnMan. Or you can read: Thе SυpеrBeauty Stylе Shееtby Dwаynе Bеll To create images for Body in Mind you have to imagine a world where 3 things are different than they are now: 1) A world where it is morally accepted that female beauty is a powerful force of good, and thus it's been made perfectly legal for women to dress from head to toe OR to go completely naked, or anything in between. A world where most women wear blue jeans and little else, and in which fashion consists of finding clever new ways to be nude or to show off the female body itself. 2) A world where most beautiful women are brave and happy enough to enjoy both the freedom and the admiration of dressing in a way that involves some degree of nudity and sometimes full nudity, regardless of what some people think. 3) A world where most people admire and revere the women who go nude, and welcome and praise the beautiful women who share the beauty of their bodies with the rest of us, people who welcome the sight of beautiful women and where as far as they're concerned it is perfectly appropriate for a woman to be nude at anything from a family picnic to a major sporting event to the Academy awards presentations.
Close your eyes and REALLY imagine what the world would look like if female beauty was revered and beautiful women were happy to go around half or completely naked. What would it look like? What kinds of scenes would you see? What kind would you LIKE to see. These are the kind of images we regularly feature here at Body in Mind, and they are the kind we want the photographers out there to create for us. But this is just imagination, at least so far. Maybe a real world example would help. The kind of images we are looking for, the kind we call 'superbeautiful' are more like a modern fashion magazine than anything else, except in our fashion magazine, there is a lot of nudity and way more smiles. They are images from a future world in which everyone is happy and the beauty-haters of the world have been mostly shamed and ridiculed into silence.
In fact, supernudes resemble images from fashion magazines more than they resemble those in men's magazines. This is because it's not really about nudity at all. Or sex. It's about beauty. Nudity or playful sexuality is only a way to accent this beauty. It should NEVER replace it, or overpower it. Photos of superbeauty are not exhibitionistic, or pornographic, or sexual. And while they often involve a lot of nudity, they don't always have to. Sometimes, a pretty girl's smile can be the most revealing - and appealing - thing about her. It reveals her inner beauty. A supernude is an image that perfectly balances a woman's sexuality with her character. Sometimes there are other people in supernudes. Why? Because they help establish the way the world looks at beautiful women, and it is a world we are trying to create here, a world in which we'd like to live and where beautiful women are free not only legally, but free also from the scowls and open disappoval of others. Thus whenever other people are present in supernudes they should never be shocked or disgusted or aroused: they are NOT watching a woman be slutty, they are admiring her beauty, or they are awed by it, and deeply interested.
This is the key: supernudes are about mind-blowing beauty, not sex. This is the vision: Real women, happy, positive, purposeful, free, powerful, and beautiful. This is your job: You are not taking snapshots. You are creating art. You are not capturing the world, you are creating one, a highly moral, respectful, happy world where the beauty of women is its crowning glory, and nudity is the queen, merely a way to support that crown, to hold that beauty high and brightly bring it to our attention. You are not just a photographer, you're an artist. This is the SuperBeauty Stylе Shееt. But, hopefully it is not just the style or even the fashion of the future, but is the future itself.
© 2003-2005 by Body in Mind | Photos © 2005 by Jаy GrееnMan More galleries...
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