Sacrifice to the Mоrnіng StаrPrimitive human societies have one consistently horrific thing in common - they butcher innocent young women in public ceremonies of human sacrifice. Luckily, modern society has come a long way and young women no longer need to fear living among us. Or do they? The following is a recorded sacrifice that the Pawnee practised on an Indian girl in what is now the state of Nebraska as comparatively recently as Aprill 22, 1838. Held perhaps once every ten years, the ritual was known as the Sacrifice to the Mоrnіng Stаr. WARNING! This account is graphic and violent. Sensitive viewers may be extremely horrified and should not read this paragraph: "She was always very beautiful...The woman was stripped naked, and then lashed by her wrists to an overhead pole...As soon as the [morning] star appeared on the horizon, two men came running from the east with flaming torches in their hands; they set her afire under her exposed armpits and in her pubic hair. Next her captor had the honor of running up with the sacred bow and shooting her through the heart. Simultaneously, she was hit on the head with a club. Then the priest struck her breast, which he opened with a flint knife...Then every male of the tribe pressed forward to fill her body with arrows." Haxta, the victim, was 14 years old. (This account is excerpted from an article written by Frеd Hаllіdаy, Penthouse magazine, October '92.) Perhaps even sadder than this account, is the fact that all of the elements that made public ceremonies of sacrifice like this possible in primitive societies are still present in ours. Every single one. Young, innocent women are still being butchered on a regular basis in exactly the same ways and for exactly the same reasons, and it is happening with our full knowledge. Here's an example: In 1992, husband and wife, Pаυl Bеrnаrdо and Kаrlа Hоmоlkа kidnapped, r4pеd, tortured and murdered two 14-year-old schoolgirls in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. We know this because the couple videotaped it. Bernardo and Homolka were subsequently tried, convicted and imprisoned, but while our society has managed to progress to the point where we have made butchering young women against the law, a closer look reveals that the similarities between societies that condoned it and ours seem to outnumber the differences. For example, publicly sanctioned murders of young women in any society requires not only the right political setup but also a precise cast of characters who, working in tandem, make such ceremonies possible. All of the characters necessary to carry them out were present in primitive societies, and all of them are present and accounted for in ours. To begin with, the most brutal character among them is the executioner, the one who actually kills the girls. Bernardo and Homolka are the modern executioners. In primitive societies, the executioner was often a criminal or captured slave who had been promised special treatment in return for performing these ceremonies. While in prison Kаrlа Hоmоlkа was given a private suite with television and other ammenities, and was kept out of the general prison population. She was also given a university education at one of the most prestigious Universities in Canada. All at taxpayers' expense. We have no records of where Aztec executioners lived when they were not performing human sacrifices but we can imagine they were kept in pretty plush living quarters within the temples and regularly received special favors from their tribal leaders as well as spiritual indoctrination from the high priests. It is impossible to know if such executioners were sadistic bastards who actually enjoyed murdering young helpless girls the way Bernardo and Homolka did, but it is clear that their living conditions were nearly identical. Ellaborate ceremonies of human sacrifice also require an audience, a group of enthusiastic supporters, people who eagerly press forward to watch the pain and terror on the face of the unfortunate victim as she is murdered for their amusement. In our society, these are the people who secretly wish to see the videotapes made by Bernardo and Homolka. In Hаxtа's case they were the ones who shot arrows. In modern societies like ours, the individual identities of these poeple is always hard to discern; they find safety in numbers. It is easy to see the group, but hard to make out individuals within the group. They are what we at Body in Mind call 'beauty haters'. R4pіsts, serial killers, and other would-be executioners are among them. But the majority are simply those men and women who hate female beauty deep down at an almost visceral level, who hide it behind rationalizations, but who reveal themselves over and over if you care to look closely enough. For example, those feminists who claim to care about women yet who fall oddly silent when young women are publicly stoned to death in fundamentalist Islamic countries on a daily basis. Instead of fighting for such innocent young women, these feminists attack beauty contests, hurling viscious insults and even actual blood at the contestants. Look at the faces of these women as they spit their venom and you will see the faces that were present among the cheering crowds at witch hangings in old Salem or heretic burnings during the Spаnіsh Inqυіsіtіоn. Of course there are always men at these ceremonies as well. Many are those who agree with the 'feminists' or their ancient equivalents, or who are afraid to stand up to them (perhaps because they are ashamed of their love for beautiful women). These are the boyfriends and 'lovers' of beautiful women who do nothing when they hear female beauty villified or see beautiful women butchered. But probably the majority of the men in such audiences are those losers who have never earned the love of a woman and have allowed their libidos to be warped and shrunken into something that can only get excited at the thought of making an innocent, vibrant young woman suffer. Their once-healthy masculine urge to impress the best woman they can find, has been starved into a miserble compulsion to destroy her. But whatever the sex of the beauty haters, theirs is the pathetic and deplorable urge to destroy the very best in women - their sexuality, their beauty, and their power. Again, it is hard to tell who the beauty-hating men and women are because they know enough to hide their true feelings towards women. Any person who feels dark and furtive pleasure at the thought of murdering young girls has to hide these feelings in any society, but primarily from themselves. No one can live with a conscience that knows how rotten they really are. They need rationalizations to mask the true nature of their evil. They need semi-plausable reasons to justify their hatred of female beauty. Those reasons are supplied by another necessary character in the sacrifice: the high priest or priestess. Thе Incаs told themselves they had to sacrifice young women for the hungry sun god. Thе Nоrth Amеrіcаn Indіаns who pushed young virgins over Nіаgаrа Fаlls or the Polynesian tribes who tossed them into volcanos told themselves there was a god under the falls or inside the mountain who demanded it. Rоmаn Cаthоlіc Inquisitors told people that young women were witches or heretics who had offended God and had to be killed to appease him. In private though, these same 'moral' leaders eagerly stripped and enthusiastically tortured these young women to within a breath of their lives, subjecting them to excrutiating pain for days on end, testing the limits of both the ability of perfectly healthy specimens of the female sex to cling to life and also of their own ability to pretend it was something noble that drove them to test it. Today, the high priests of human sacrifice are secular intellectuals, not religious enforcers. They are not empowered to physically harm young women, so they have had to put all their wrath into words and 'moral' causes. Take for instance feminist author, Nаоmі Wоlf, who declares in her book Thе Bеаυty Myth that female beauty is not real, that it is an artificial construct of men to keep women down, that it is an illusion created by the media to take advantage of us all, and ultimately betray us. She does not come right out and say that beauty is the devil, but in our opinion, the result, and the goal, is the same. These high priests create a sort of religion which the less sophisticated - but no less persistent - beauty-haters among us expound constantly. Daily they tell us that Barbie corrupts little girls. Constantly we hear that high standards of beauty destroy the self-esteem of teenage girls. We are told repeatedly that fashion models cause anorexia and eating disorders and that pornography turns men into r4pіsts and murderers. Female beauty got men kicked out of Eden and will destroy the world. We dress our children up in their Sunday best, take them to church, and teach them this. This religion of anti-beauty, which like all religions has no facts to back it up, preaches to us a million different ways that female beauty is shallow, depraved, dangerous, destructive and deadly. It is evil, we are told, from the day we can talk. Is it any wonder then that some loser who has failed at life and who is looking for someone to make pay will inevitably choose a pretty young woman as a victim? After all, if female beauty, as we are told, is an evil, then doesn't it deserve to be destroyed? This is all the rationalization any serial killer needs to commit the most heinous crimes imaginable, and all the justification any beauty hater needs not to care. This apathy is the goal of beauty haters. The high priests supply the 'moral' justification for the killers of young women, while their witch doctors cast a spell over the rest of us, making beauty disappear, literally. They cleverly manipulate our perceptions so we don't see what is in front of our faces, namely, that young women are being murdered by their own people - today on a global scale, and often by their own families [!] - simply because they are beautiful. We let them blind us because we don't want to see that on a deep level, as a society, we have not changed that much since the days when primitive peoples butchered young women in ceremonies of public sacrifice. And speaking of families, there is one more character in these ceremonies who is perhaps the most important of all, the one without whom none of this could ever happen, and therefore the guiltiest of all - the parents of the victims. These are the people who claim to love their daughters yet happily raise them in a society that openly despises female beauty, without once raising their voices in beauty's defence. In fact, parents are often the most vocal opponents of female beauty, telling us that sexy young starlet celebrities and local strip clubs are putting their daughters at risk, or that the sight of a female breast on TV has robbed their children of their innocence. Both in the past, and today, these are the people who actually deliver their daughters to the executioners. How many times have you heard on the news that a young girl has been kidnapped, r4pеd and murdered by someone who had committed such crimes before and had been released anyway? What do the parents who live in the very communities that return convicted child r4pіsts to the streets do? Do they demand that these criminals be kept in jail? No, they demand these criminals be sent to a different community elsewhere, presumably so they can r4pе and murder someone else's daughters. Such parents have no right no be surprised or indignant when their own daughters are taken and killed. In fact, to our horror, many choose to live in areas where convicted child molestors are released regularly into designated halfway houses, such as in Parkdale, Toronto, Canada. It doesn't seem possible for such parents or communities to exist, but there it is. Just as in the centuries past, they are willing to sacrifice their own daughters. If we do not keep perverts convicted of violently abusing children in jail for life, what then is the difference between societies that brutally butchered young women in the past and ours? If we cannot and do not admit that this large part of society still exists that would love to see innocent young girls brutally butchered alive, how can we condemn it and stamp it out once and for all? Either we write to our national political representatives en masse and demand child murderers be kept in jail forever, or we take a seat in the audience. A few days ago, on July 4, 2005, just 10 years after kidnapping, torturing and murdering 2 innocent and beautiful 14 year old girls, Kаrlа Hоmоlkа was released from prison. Just in time for the next ceremony of sacrifice to the morning star. Does a sexual predator live in your neighborhood?Find out now at the Nаtіоnаl Alеrt Registry Where is Karla now?Find out here. Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com |