![]() I received an extremely critical email the other day. I'm printing my answer to it here today because I get emails like this all the time, and I suppose they are right in one respect, and that is, I have not made my philosophy of female beauty as explicit as it could be. So here, then, is the question, and the answer: > From: "Krіstоff Klіbеrhаυs" > Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 22:15:25 -0500 > To: Mr. Kliberhaus, I don't normally respond to emails which leave off the opening salutation for what can only be hostile reasons, but in this case I will make an exception because I'd like to answer, and for no other reason. My philosophy of female beauty is evident in every page I write. Obviously you've read very little of it. So for my sake and not yours I will tell you very succinctly what my philosophy is in relation to female beauty. The science of Philosophy consists of several sub branches: metaphysics, epistomology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Here then is where beauty fits in: Metaphysics: Female beauty is real. It is not a myth or a delusion as we are so often told today. Epistomology: Female beauty can be perceived by everyone, regardless of their social or genetic 'programming'. It is an objective phenomenon and can be studied and understood as such. Ethics and Aesthetics: Female beauty is the representation in a woman of one's highest values and deepest premises. If a woman appears to possess or represent these things to us we will find her beautiful. Politics: Female beauty is a valuable talent and beautiful women are human beings like any other and BOTH should be respected and protected as such, instead of condemned to degradation or even to death, as they are today throughout much of the world. That is my Philosophy of Fеmаlе Bеаυty. As for my drawings and writing being used to justify my sexual desires, I do not have to justify my sexual desires to you or anyone else, but if you must know my sexual desires are for my wife, alone. I draw women only to create beauty. I choose to depict women with big breasts because that is part of objective female beauty. I embue all of my women with as many values as I can think of, including physical things like height, long hair, curvaceous bodies, but also including spiritual qualities like happiness, confidence, love of oneself, of the world and of life, and freedom. These spiritual qualities explain the poses of the women I draw. As for the lighting in my photos, everything in them is intentional, which makes them art. You will notice that the women I photograph are not the same as the women I draw. This is because it is not necessary for a woman to possess all objectively beautiful qualities in order to possess many. Such as they do possess are sufficient to make them beautiful. As for your criticisms, let me state that "I truly dislike" people who try to pass off boorish and close-minded insults as scholarly criticisms. Good day. -DBell |