March 15, 2005.
Female beauty is not natural. It's spiritual, and moral. The only thing that makes a woman beautiful is that somewhere in her being or in her appearance, she represents an attractive idea, a value, a standard, or a virtue. For example, even in today's gallery of Stanislava, it is not nature that makes her beautiful. It is her spirit, a spirit that let's us enjoy her body and mind - a body that is perfectly and purposely kept in tune with our modern values of health, exuberance, femininity, naturalness, grace, and youth - and a mind that reveals happiness, bravery, shamelessness, innocence, and benevolence.
All of this is clear in both her manner and her expressions. It is also clear that the photographer respects and admires women. The value he places on Stanislava and her beauty comes through in the color harmonies in the photos, which are pleasing to the mind (not the senses, since senses cannot choose which colors to report to the mind - but are a dispassionate reporter only).
The value of female beauty is also expressed in the careful poses, expertly planned by the photographer and model to please us. All of the values implied and embedded make this series beautiful. All the beauty we see in these photos comes from ideas which appeal to us. This is what makes Stanislava beautiful in them, and what makes her photos beautiful to us.
And it is the same for all beautiful women and all beautiful photos. It doesn't matter how natural the setting is or how little make-up a model wears - in fact the model may not shave, do her hair or even smile, yet any appeal that such a photo would have, would come from satisfying some part of our mind, one of our values or ideals, not from nature.
Other than beauty lovers, there are others today who claim that female beauty is strictly natural, that it is a product of our genes and our evolution only. These theories, originally propounded by pop anthropologist Dеsmоnd Mоrrіs and repeated today ad nauseam in the mainstream media, say men are attracted to beautiful women because beauty represents good health and good genes, and that the pursuit of a mate who can give us a healthy baby has caused our idea of female beauty to evolve to what it is today.
This silly theory persists inspite of absolutely no evidence to prove it. (We will see why later.) No one has ever shown that more attractive women are healthier, live longer or produce better babies, and if they aren't and don't, then how could we have survived - let alone evolved - by thinking that they do?
And does evolution explain why women see beauty in the female form?
Moreover, the genetic theory of beauty has failed to produce even one man who wants a baby more than sex. In fact, the opposite is true: most men do NOT sleep with women in order to have babies.
The genetic theory of female beauty is completely wrong.
I mention it only because those who defend female beauty as natural, who have sincere intentions, should look closer at the company they are keeping - at who else thinks beauty is natural.
They should also look closer at where the attacks on female beauty today are actually coming from - at who is attacking it and how. No one is attacking it for being natural. No one today is saying, "Female beauty sucks because it is natural" or "Natural beauty is evil". The idea of beauty as natural is not being attacked at all, by anyone.
But it is being attacked for being spiritual.
For example, the media today is full of headlines based on the theory that female beauty is purely natural, which means purely physical, which means genetic: "Female beauty is a male drug", "Babies proven to prefer beautiful faces", "Beautiful people treated better, get better jobs, luckier in love, study proves", etc.
Body in Mind has taken great pains to disprove and debunk each of these ultimately unscientific media grabs when they come along, because we know their true purpose. We know that female beauty is ultimately a spiritual and moral thing, and that these studies are conducted by people determined to reduce men to nothing but animals and depraved ones at that.
It is the spiritual nature of female beauty that all attacks against it are meant to destroy. Perhaps the most damaging is the egalitariansı claim that female beauty is unfair, that women who use their beauty gain an unfair advantage over those who do not, and that average women are unfairly expected to compete with impossible standards created by beautiful women in the media.
For example, this is the message of the Dоvе Cаmpаіgn for Rеаl Bеаυty.
The other most damaging - and surprisingly most successful - attack on beauty is the religious one that says female beauty is a sin.
This is the motivation behind the outright butchery of women in fundamentalist Islamic cultures.
Both camps see female beauty as spiritually degrading and demand we remove it from our lives. Huge numbers of people are listening, and doing it.
Appeals to naturalness will not work against this. Violence is natural too, but it is not good. Unfairness is also natural, and not good. Reasoning with religious fanatics is pointless anyway because they reject reason outright in favor of faith.
No one is attacking natural beauty anyway. So why defend it on this or any other basis? Naturalness is not a viable defense of beauty and is inappropriate besides. Today, female beauty is being hated and attacked where it really lives: on the spiritual level, and that is where it will have to be defended.
So far, no one but Body in Mind and SuperBeauty.Org are defending it on this level. Yet, this is where the strongest attacks on beauty are coming from. Where are the beauty lovers to defend it?
What they need to realize is that those who hate female beauty, hate mankind, and thus our unique method of happiness - our mind. Such people inevitably want to remove all modern technology (the product of manıs mind) from our world and 'go back' to a time when living was simple and love was everywhere. But there is no such time in man's history. The closest thing was a time of almost no technology and total dedication to God, a time when men had to till the earth with their bare hands and love was what God granted when he took a man's wife and child during unassisted childbirth. He took them to a 'better place'. We call this time the Dаrk Agеs. And for good reason. There was no light from the mind.
Total abject misery for all human beings is the unadmitted and unspoken goal of all beauty haters. They donıt want human beings to be happy, ever. This is why they attack female beauty. Because it makes us happy. And this is why they attack the mind. Because it makes us successful, which makes us happy.
This is the main reason why defending female beauty as natural is doomed to failure: it empowers beautyıs enemies. When you remove the spirit from female beauty you are agreeing with and encouraging the haters of mankind, who claim that man's mind is unnecessary. By claiming that female beauty is a natural thing, you allow beauty-haters to destroy the very thing that makes female beauty possible - the human spirit.
This is what beauty haters despise the most: man's unique and indomitable spirit. Exactly the kind of spirit represented in the beauty of Stanislava or any of the models on Body in Mind.
Female beauty is the representation of the human spirit. This is why man-haters attack it. This is why religious fundamentalists have to take beauty away from women in order to crush their spirit. There is no female beauty without the mind, without the spirit, without ideas, values, and freedom to choose them for oneself, the freedom to use our mind and achieve happiness.
Women have this right. But it is just as important to remember that it is right for women to have spirit. That a womanıs spirit must always be considered part of her beauty, as well as part of her power to move our spirit.
This is the most important thing any beauty lover can know: female beauty is attacked because it is spiritual by people who believe it is natural.
You cannot defeat your enemy by agreeing with him. And you cannot defend yourself and the things you love, by siding with those who would see them - and you - destroyed.
The first step to winning the battle for beauty is for those who love it to stop defending it as natural - to stop helping their enemies and join the battle where they are needed most - the battle for the spiritual survival of female beauty, the establishment of its moral value, and political protection for it.
Female beauty is on trial. And in a trial, you get only one chance at a defense. If your defense loses, you do not get another chance.
This is why it is of crucial importance to pick the single best defense of female beauty and to then pour all your energy and intelligence into it.
The best defense of female beauty is its spiritual nature. Female beauty is the representation of values. It is moral. It is spiritual. It is good.
This fact is your only chance to save the beauty you love.
Learn it. And do it.
© Copyright 2005 Body in Mind | Photos by Pаvеl Sіndlеr
All contents © 1997 - 2005 Body in Mind. All rights reserved. All nude models at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.
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