March 31, 2005.
And we hope it will inspire you to be the best you can be - to go out and achieve all the things you've always wanted to.
Astute readers will know there's more to the equation than just beauty though. We all know Body in Mind doesn't focus on sex, but sex is also a huge motivator for men. (Not exactly a news flash.) And as it happens, Sоphіе Mооnе is not only an adorably pretty model with an innocent million dollar smile, she's also one of the most uninhibited porn stars in the world, capable of doing things that would make most of us weak in the knees.
We like this surprising fact about Sophie, because although Body in Mind doesn't focus on sex, we do believe sex, like beauty, is an incredibly important part of human life, not just for the obvious physical pleasure involved, or for reproductive purposes, but more importantly for its spiritual power - it's power of personal validation and affirmation as well as its obvious motivational component.
MPL Studios understands this too. In fact, if we were to do a site about erotica, it would look a lot like MPL. MPL picks up right where Body in Mind leaves off.
Physical beauty has never been enough to do more than inspire simple creatures to reproduce. Nothing more. And even then it is not really beauty that is causative but pheromones and scents, brightly colored plumage or body parts, or overt physical posturing.
So what is it that turns we humans on? It's not pheromones and body parts, that's for sure. If it was, women would have no use for romance novels, and men would prefer Gray's anatomy over Playboy.
Dеsmоnd Mоrrіs has said that Man is the sexiest creature on the planet. It's also been said that the brain is the sexiest organ of all. Therefore, it would seem there must be something in the human brain itself that makes sex so wonderful.
And there is. There is a spirit inside homo sapiens that still mostly eludes modern science. People have brains - the most complex and advanced single entity in the known universe, and with it we humans have managed to develop incredibly sophisticated responses to our reproductive urges, spiritual i.e. mental improvements or sophistications to the basic act - art, porn, beauty, fashion, fine dining, kissing, romance, marriage, sex, and love, among many more.
MPL Studios is one of these things. This remarkably sophisticated website is a fearless, explicit, most enjoyable exploration into what turns we humans on. In fact, this website has made more magnificent discoveries about this area of study and shares them more resplendently than any scientific treatise ever has or could. And while it may not have all the answers, pictorially it certainly asks all the right questions. For example:
How can a woman be supermodel pretty, capable of seducing any man in the world, and still be happy to display for our enjoyment every square inch of her lovely body?
What can we do to have a woman like this in our lives?
Why is a nude model sometimes way more beautiful and sexy fully dressed walking down the street smiling at people?
Why is it exciting when she suddenly strips in public without a trace of shame?
What is it about two pretty models touching and kissing that is often more fascinating than seeing a man and a woman together?
If something is sexy as hell at first, why doesn't it stay sexy? Why do we always seem to need new models and creative new situations in erotic photography in order to continue being turned on?
If our sexual interest in nude models is purely physical, what makes men want to know about a nude model's life and personality, her hopes, tastes, and goals?
MPL gives us more than enough updates, young new models, exciting diversions, extravagant beauty, detailed lifestyle glimpses and sheer raw sexual energy to make trying to answer these questions for yourself a pure delight.
MPL Studios gets its power from the fact that wherever you see female sexuality, there is spirituality present as well. Every model featured has a mind and a personality, which makes it easy to be moved by their happiness, their character and their delightful quirks. They are real women, not just models and will cause a mental, spiritual reaction in you. Maybe they'll make you dream of a love of your own, of being rich and famous, of being a better person in order to deserver her, of being a photographer or filmmaker, etc.
Body in Mind has a vaunted - spiritual - view of female beauty. MPL Studios has a vaunted view of the erotic. It pursues the mind-blowing and life-affirming potential of the spiritual in female beauty and sexuality. Always set to maximum stimulation. If you have a brain, a heart, or a libido, you will find MPL fascinating, romantic and erotic beyond compare.
But MPL Studios is significant for more than this. Animals 'doing it' in the wild never look like they're having much fun, do they? MPL reminds us how nice it is to be human. Their galleries and videos are truly a distinctly intelligent and sumptuous erotic playground.
MPL is, quite literally, the evolution of erotica.
© Copyright 2005 Body in Mind | Photos by MPL Studios
All contents © 1997 - 2005 Body in Mind. All rights reserved. All nude models at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.
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