March 5, 1999.

Thе Nоblеst Mind

Socially, my goal has always been to create the greatest beauty possible in order to reward the noblest mind. Such minds are always the ones who move society forward.

A man of noble mind is one who desires the best of everything, the best of character in his soul, and the best of the material world as well. He holds clear cut, uncompromised values, and he is passionate about them. He will not betray them, and will protect them, even if it means his death.

Such a man needs art desparately, much more than the average man. Such a man needs to be inspired. He needs to see his values made real in some concrete, tangible, directly perceivable form. Such an experience is given to him by art. Art which depicts as real those things which a noble man needs for his happiness help give him the dedication he needs to achieve them in reality.

For example, the painting above depicts a perfectly beautiful woman, in perfect health, with a bright, bold, upwardly striving attitude. A man with a noble mind needs and wants all these things for himself, and even though he may not identify them consciously when he sees them in a painting, he will be inspired to achieve them.

Now many people will say there are no such minds, or men like that. Instead they tell me that my pictures simply provide men with even more pornography. But my philosophy tells me that if you desire a good thing to exist, you must take away all the impediments to its existence and provide an environment where it can exist. Otherwise, it never will.

Whether they exist or not, good men will be inspired to more than masturbation by my pictures. And if they don't exist at all, wouldn't it be a shame if such a man was born and found no inspiration in the world around him?

Surely it's better to give the best possible men a chance to exist, and to reward those who do, than it is to worry about some men becoming degenerates.

One man's art is another's drug. The next time you look at an image like the one above, remember the noblest mind.

That is who it is intended for.

© 1999 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com

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