![]() ![]() Gоіng Tоо FarAll of the violence, not to mention most of the confusion and ill will, between the sexes comes from a little known fact, one which everyone can verify for themselves if they introspect honestly, but few people ever bother to. It's a fact that is not at all popular these days which only worsens the situation. The idea is: metaphysically, men are dominant, and women are submissive. Men and women are different. This fact might seem obvious to some of you but it's failure to understand this idea completely that is responsible for every item on the following list: - the Spаnіsh Inqυіsіtіоn (a religious purge in the middle ages which involved the torture and executions of thousands of innocent people - mostly women - pictured above)
Let's be clear, men are NOT better or more important than women. Neither sex is better or more important than the other. Neither does either one deserve to be trod upon. BOTH sexes are absolutely unique, vital and glorious parts of the human race. In fact, this is the key to sex in the first place, isn't it? Sex is a celebration of precisely this idea, of each of our most fundamental natures. It's a chance to experience our own absolute uniqeness, importance and personal glory in the arms or body of another, on a physical level, as well as a spiritual one. If sex is to be as good as it can be, if we are to experience the full meaning and joy of sex, it must be in accord with our natures, both physically and spiritually. Thus, if great sex is your goal, each member of each sex has a responsibility to themselves. For a man the responsibility is to make himself worthy of the submission of the woman he loves. He must be a great man and must inspire submission in her by force of his character alone. For a woman, the responsibility is different. A woman must be sure to submit only to the greatest man she can find, and seduce. (For an illustration of this principle see any woman's romance novel.) Let me stress here that it is only sexually - and then only metaphysically - that there is a very real basis for men's desire to dominate women, and for women to desire to submit to men. There can never be any justification for the physically forced domination of women on the part of men, neither personally or politically, or for that matter, for the willing submission of any woman to any man except to her lover and then only during sex. With this covered we are ready to address the items in the list above. The items in it are all examples of human sexual behaviour without the proper spirit, in which the individuals involved have forgotten or have never learned that the right to dominate or submit must be earned - and granted - by another, through personal accomplishments and the development of character, i.e., by using their heads. Failure to understand this results in certain people acting out their metaphysical-sexual natures in an exclusively physical way. They try to ignore their spiritual natures, which is impossible, which is what tells us that what they are ignoring is human nature, and end up being driven to dominate, violently if need be, or conversely, to compulsively submit. In short, they let their sexual natures run away with them. Let's see how, item by item. Thе Spаnіsh Inquisition - This is an example, one of a great many, of men letting an absurd spiritual system - in this case, Christianity - eclipse the true nature of their metaphysical-sexual human nature. It leaves them with no way to experience their own uniqueness and importance through sex. Thus they try to replace these spiritual needs with the power they get from belonging to a gang, and by instilling terror in others. Such monsters are responsible for their actions (because they have chosen of their own free will to ignore the truth, to accept the dictates of others as a replacement for their individual judgment, and to accept the security of the gang as a replacement for the security that comes from Reason), but, ironically, it is their male urge to dominate a woman - their metaphysical-sexual natures - which rewards them with a small, shrivelled spasm of pleasure when killing young women. Sex-killers - These monsters are the other side of the same twisted coin. But instead of torturing and killing young women in the name of Good, they take a special pleasure in doing it in the name of their own particular brand of evil. The women who offer to marry convicted sex killers - These women are the female equivalent of sex-killers, in the metaphysical sense. They take a special pleasure in risking their lives in order to fill their sexual need for ultimate submission, but instead of submitting - or fantasizing about submitting - to a good man, they get off thinking about doing it with a evil man, thus deriving a special thrill from their own evil. Men who womanize - These are guys who recognize the spiritual half of human sexuality only partially. While they recognize that it exists, they do not identify its true nature. They miss the fact that the greatest sexual thrill comes from dominating a woman whose character they admire, not by trickery, but by force of character, and so attempt to replace the quality of a woman, with a quantity of them. Women who are attracted to womanizers - These are the exact female equivalent of the men who womanize. They attempt to replace submitting to a man of quality, with submitting to a vast quantity of men. Thаt Amеrіcаn Psycho ever got made into a movie - see That it was produced and directed by feminists That the female media can't stop praising it - or romanticizing its male lead, Chrіstіаn Bаlе, inspite of the fact that it bombed at the box office and he admits he walked through the movie without even trying - see The women who offer to marry convicted sex-killers That it was produced and directed by two feminists - see Feminism Feminism - The great myth about feminism is that it is a political movement. It is not. It is a aberrant sexual movement which has moved into the realm of politics, much the same way that the Spаnіsh Inqυіsіtіоn was an aberrant sexual movement which moved into the Realm of Religion. In the case of Feminists, they've mistaken their natural desire to submit sexually as the desire to submit in every way, including morally, politically, and spiritually, and so have rebelled against that nature by adopting the equivalent male nature, which as they see it, is the desire to dominate women, particularly beautiful women, completely and utterly. This is why feminists seem to spend most of their time attacking female beauty instead of pressing for stiffer sentences for r4pists. Mаlе Chаυvаnіsm - These are guys - and a few women - who swallow the feminists' line whole. The only difference between them and feminists is that they look down on feminists too. Wіfе Bеаtеrs - These are guys who know that they are not worthy of dominating their woman sexually, and so dominate them physically, as a desperate attempt to be manly. Wives who stay with Wіfе Bеаtеrs - These are women who are terrified that they are not worthy of submitting sexually to a good man and so submit sexually to a bad one in a desperate attempt to be feminine. Transvestites & drag queens - These are guys, like feminists, who see their own sexual natures as bad and so explore their potential to experience the nature of the opposite sex. The difference between Drаg Qυееns and feminists, however, is that Drаg Qυееns are attracted to the nature of the opposite sex because they truly adore it, while feminists abandon their own out of revulsion for it. Feminists are inspired by hatred. Drаg Qυееns, although still aberrant, are inspired by love. Virgin sacrifices - see Thе Spаnіsh Inquisition except that the societies in which virgin sacrifices occur are not dominated only by the kind of men responsible for the Spаnіsh Inqυіsіtіоn, but by Feminists as well. Both sexes must be dominated by their aberrant, beauty-hating, members for this kind of atrocity to occur. All of the above are examples of human sexuality gone awry because those involved failed to understand the true metaphysical nature of dominance and submission. But this doesn't mean women can't have domination fantasies and men submission ones. It's normal and quite healthy for men to fantasize about being gang r4ped by all the girls they went to public school with, for example. It allows them to feel important and desirable. It's also okay for a woman to fantasize about tying up a male model and having her way with him. It allows her to remember that submission does not have to mean losing total control. These are examples of harmless fantasies. They are harmless because they are impossible. They are not meant to be real. They are meant only to induce a good feeling in the person having them - to allow them to experience the full range of subtleties in their sexual nature, including dominance for women, and submission for men. We can flirt with the nature of the opposite sex, but we can never escape our own. Notice that even in the fantasies above the woman chooses to dominate only a man who could easily dominate her, and the man fantasizes about sex only with women he could easily dominate. It's the inevitability of our sexual natures which makes them metaphysical, i.e., real. And it's this same inevitability which allows most men and women to get a mild, momentary thrill from pictures like the one above. Apparently it was the hit of the Wоrld's Fаіr that year. That 'thrill' is your inner nature talking to you. For men it's the desire to dominate a woman completely. For a woman it's the desire to be dominated beyond her ability to resist. But when we remember that this is NOT a fantasy, that it really happened, that it is tragically real, that young women really were butchered alive in the thousands for the sexual pleasure of priests and feminists, then the 'thrill' disappears as fast as it came, replaced by a more proper one based on the circumstances: hatred for the men - and women - who made it happen. Then this painting simply becomes an important chronicle reminding us what can happen when we let our metaphysical natures get away from us, when we allow them outside the sexual realm, and into religion or politics. The poor girl in the picture above reminds us what we have to lose when we ignore the responsibilities of our spiritual natures. Dominating a woman can be thrilling, if you deserve her. Submitting to a man can be ectasy, if you love him. But there is no place for dominance and submission outside of a romantic relationship or sexual fantasy. Going there, is going too far. ![]() | ![]() |