May 31, 2005.
Grеаt Bіg Beauty
by Dwаynе Bеll
In an industry that is becoming more and more about so-called 'natural' beauty, which really means 'average', there is a new website out there that dares to be about the kind of great and heroic female beauty that does not exist in the average woman, but only in a few of nature's greatest creations.
That site is the amazing Photodromm.com by Sicillian photomaster, Fіlіppо Sаnо.
Photodromm.com is based on the recognition that objective female beauty not only exists (many today would say otherwise), but is open to refinement, creativity, and sophistication, that it must be mercilessly hunted out of its hiding places, purposely pumped into full flower, and maintained with a will of steel. It's the kind of beauty that is not only natural, but also brazenly man-made.
Photodromm.com is based on the hard reality of objective female beauty. It is a monument to the fact that female beauty at its highest level, is man-made.
Most people would say that female beauty is neither objective nor scientific, that fads of female beauty come and go, and tastes inevitably change. But what they miss is the fact that every fashion craze in history - and especially today - adds a little to our overall understanding of what is beautiful and what is not. It improves little by little, and over the history of mankind, quite considerably!
Female beauty is actually a learned taste, developed and honed by creative, sensitive, and passionate minds over centuries. Which means our knowledge and taste in beauty is selective and cumulative, just like all scientific knowledge, and that our current modern ideals are the epitome of female beauty so far.
Photodromm.com is practically an illustrated scientific treatise on everything we have so far learned as a species that is beautiful in women: nudity, long hair, healthy physique, proud and happy personality, strong and sexy disposition, big boobs, long legs, etc.
And while we're not crazy about breast implants, which in our opinion show up a little too often on the site, we cannot deny the special allure and charm that big tits exude. We have also learned through diligent and regular philosophical 'breasts exams' so-to-speak (we do a lot of thinking about breasts here at Body in Mind) that the men who prefer big breasts over small are also those who are more pro-value than others.
Pro-value means a man or woman holds consistently objective, life-giving, life-affirming values and strives to achieve and uphold them. Anti-value means a man or a woman does everything he or she can do to destroy such values.
Beauty is the represenatation of values and Sano knows it. He is totally pro-value. Thus he chooses the most flattering poses and settings for his photos, and chooses only the happiest, most robustly feminine models in the world. So, while the boobs might not always be real, the beauty of Sano's photos always is.
Most are shot from a low angle, which allows his models to tower over us like huge marble sculptures in a museum, only the medium is living woman, and the museum is the whole wide world. Thus every bodacious photo screams to us from his vantage point that a woman's proper status is that of goddess and empowered super beauty, and that man's proper relationship to woman, is looking up at her and her beauty with admiration, awe, and let's admit it, helpless amore.
We couldn't really learn what Photodromm means, but we do know that "-drome" is a suffix meaning "a race or arena", as in aerodrome, which is an airfield or hanger. So then, following this logic, Photodromm.com must be a place where the greatest beauties in the world gather to compete in the arena of man-made beauty, to see if their own unique addition to our knowledge of female beauty will 'fly'.
We can't help but love any site whose goal, like ours, is to create greater and still greater female beauty, forever.
But the most amazing thing is, you're invited to be the judge, here.
© Copyright 2005 Body in Mind | Photos by Fіlіppо Sаnо
All contents © 1997 - 2005 Body in Mind. All rights reserved. All nude models at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.