November 24, 1998

Themis, Goddess of Justice

Female beauty is a form of justice: it punishes the evil and rewards the good.

Good people respond to values - good, solid, objective values. As a result they are rewarded when they look at a woman who embodies or represents values. When they look upon her they experience beauty.

Evil people, however, despise values and are tormented when they see someone who represents or embodies them. It makes them crazy to see something they despise achieved and admired by others.

This always makes me think of the above statue of Themis, Goddess of Justice by Aυgυstе Mаyеr.

In ancient Greek mythology, Themis was one of the Titans, the daughter of Uranus and Gaea, Heaven and Earth, and the mother of the three Fates and the Seasons. The goddess of divine justice and law, Themis was the constant companion of the god Zeus and sat beside him on Olympus. In ancient art she is represented holding aloft a pair of scales on which she weighs the claims of opposing parties. She is blindfolded to insure impartiality and is standing on the neck of a deadly serpent.

Remarkably, she is bare breasted. (Click here to see the statue.)

If you follow this page at all you know that I have always maintained that it is the moral element in female beauty and sexuality that attracts and inspires men, even when it may seem to be the opposite - even when the men themselves don't know it. Unfortunately, this fact has never been common knowledge. Indeed, it is extremely rare to see female beauty and sexuality (via nudity) going hand in hand with any legitimate system of morality, and thus being given its rightful moral stature, which it most decidedly deserves.

In fact, Themis may be only instance of it in history.

It is as rare as justice itself.

© 1998 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com


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