"Body in Mind is dedicated to fighting for beauty whenever and wherever it is attacked. Thus we support SuperBeauty.Org in their fight against injustice towards women and hatred of beauty around the world, and you should too. Visit SuperBeauty.Org to fight for the beauty you love. It might sound corny, but it's what heroes are supposed to do." -D.Bell (founder and editor of Body in Mind)




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Thе Pоwеr of Pinup

The first nude woman I ever saw was on the wall of a construction shack. I was visiting a construction site as a child with my parents, I forget why, but I will always remember the poster on the wall behind the foreman's drafting table. The lady in it mesmerized me for years afterwards. Perhaps she still does.

She was nude in a jungle. She wore a safari hat, a leather utility belt full of tools, and she held a chimpanzee in her arms. But what was truly remarkable about her, besides her shapely, large-breasted body with perfectly suntanned skin, was her smile - she was smiling the warmest, brightest smile I'd ever seen, bigger than any photo I'd ever seen of any woman fully clothed, yet this woman was completely nude!

I'm convinced that this single image is responsible for my deep conviction that female beauty was meant to make mankind happy.

When I grew up I realized that, oddly enough, very few people seemed to share this view. With one even odder exception: construction workers. Construction workers seem to be the only people on earth who have absolutely no shame in their love of female beauty and the pleasure it gives them. These men of the material world seem to possess the uniquely spiritual ability to see the good in female beauty, the naturalness of it, the reality of it. It is construction workers who invariably whistle their admiration after any attractive woman who happens by, unafraid of the dirty looks they may get in return. It is construction workers who with boylike abandon continue to put up pictures of naked women in their workplace, in spite of the modern threat of sexual harassment lawsuits. It is construction workers who continue to fill up strip joints in spite of the modern intelligentsia's assertions that beauty is a myth.

Body in Mind has always been about this kind of fearless admiration of beautiful women, and today we are offering this gallery of nudes of Nikki by Alеxаndеr Fеdоrоv to all the construction workers out there who have braved derision and personal danger in order to admire female beauty as it deserves to be, with respect, with innocence, and with gusto.

Of all the people in the world, they are the only ones we don't need to convince to some degree. Beauty haters have made everyone else afraid, and weak.

So what has made construction workers so strong? Well, maybe, just maybe it's because they surround themselves with images of brave beautiful women, even in their workplace. Maybe it's the open, shameless heroism of these lovely ladies that inspires them to the same.

Thus, today we have a challenge for you. Take their cue and take the plunge - put up your favourite nude image of a beautiful woman somewhere where you can see it, somewhere right out in the open, perhaps even where others will see it. Take it out of the magazine you have stashed under your bed and put in on the wall of your tool shed, garage or basement. Print out your favourite BiM image of your favourite model and frame it somewhere in your home or apartment. Let the beauty you love and your love for it out into the open. Give beauty a chance to build up your bravery, your loyalty, your soul.

We are all under construction after all - hell, the whole world is, and a beautiful nude woman should always on the wall in the shack of every construction site.

Nikki makes us all want to be construction workers here.




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Here's a spam blocker that works well

We tried this spam blocking system after the recent rash of spam and viruses going around and so far it's working great! Setup is simple, execution flawless, and best of all our inbox is clean.

If you're thinking about trying a spam blocker of some kind we recommend this one. Right now they have a 30 day free trial so that makes it even better.

Click the banner to get set up and start enjoying all the free time you save.



Sign the petition to stop it here.

"As soon as the [morning] star appeared on the horizon, two men came running from the east with flaming torches in their hands; they set her afire under her exposed armpits and in her pubic hair. Next her captor had the honor of running up with the sacred bow and shooting her through the heart. Simultaneously, she was hit on the head with a club. Then the priest struck her breast, which he opened with a flint knife...Then every male of the tribe pressed forward to fill her body with arrows.

"This was the recorded sacrifice that the Pawnee practised on an Indian girl named Haxta -- in what is now the state of Nebraska -- as comparatively recently as Aprill 22, 1838. She was 14 years old." - Frеd Hаllіdаy (Penthouse - October '92)

We tend to think of such atrocities against women and their sexuality as existing only in mankind's dark past, yet they are still occurring right out in the glaring sun of our present. On Aυgυst 27, the Nіgеrіаn Sυprеmе Court will hold a final hearing on the case of Amіnа Lаwаl, a woman condemned to be buried up to her neck and stoned to death in public for the 'crime' of adultery.

Civilizations based on religion, in any day and age, have always held monstrously brutal ceremonies in which innocent - and attractive - young women have been butchered alive, mercilessly, for the sickening pleasure of the public. All that changes is the superficial rationalizations such societies give for doing so. What, in the past, such civilizations called witches, today they call 'adulteresses', that's all.

If you doubt it ask yourself why so few men fall victim to these same civilizations. Ask yourself why female victims were always stripped naked before being burned during the European witch hunts. Ask yourself why we talk of the Maid of the Mist at Nіаgаrа Fаlls instead of the Warrior of the Water. Why is it so hard for some people to believe that the kind of person who would press forward to fill a 14-year old virgin's tiny, squirming body with arrows is not still around today, pressing forward to throw the first stone at Anіmа Lаwаl's poor pretty head?

Please don't stand around and watch this horror happen. Primitive cultures of the past were full of such people. Sign the petition to stop this atrocity. And do it now.

Thank you. - DBell

Sign the petition to stop it here.

Put a banner on your site to stop it here.

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Oυr Frіеnd Jen

Jеn Hіltоn has added another photo set to her site. It's free, but better still, it's gorgeous.

You can see lots more photos of this remarkable self-made model on her self-made site JenHilton.com

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Impоssіblе Stаndаrds of Beauty?

Michelle from Page 3 is my single best answer to all those beauty haters out there who tell me that the women I draw are too tall, too buxom, and too beautiful to exist in real life.

See for yourself the very real Michelle at Page 3.


Click images.




Sυpеrbеаυty Exclυsіvе

There's only one thing better than discovering new talent, and that's when it discovers you.

We are often approached by photographers interested in contributing their existing nude galleries to Body in Mind, a very welcome sign that photographers truly appreciate our vision of beauty. But lately, something even more exciting has started happening: photographers are now offering to shoot entirely new galleries for us exclusively, in our style - what we call 'superbeauty'.

Superbeauty is about the kind of beauty that good people have been been longing for since childhood - the kind of photography that demands and celebrates the presence of beauty and excitement in every day life. It features objectively beautiful women in real human settings. It's this new but unmistakable mix of idealism and physical reality that makes these images into art, into photographs that go beyond mere prettiness. In fact, they elevate both the female form and the human spirit to new heights, to refreshed moral purpose and grandeur, and they give us a glimpse of what life could be like in a utopia where feamle beauty is allowed out into the open, and respected for the empowering human force that it is, and openly enjoyed by both the women who possess it and by those of us lucky ones with whom they share it.

This month we are thrilled to introduce the work of our newest feature photographer and superbeauty supporter, Sеrgеy Gоnchаrоv, a Ukranian photographer with the talent, vision, and courage to create images of real superbeauty - and that's not easy!

In fact, it's so hard that few of the photographers who try rarely come anywhere close. Goncharov is one of the exceptions. Sergey shot this gallery exclusively for Body in Mind, purposely in the superbeauty style. His images are thoughtful and elegant, his models statesque and gorgeous, and his settings reminiscent of a quiet country village on a warm summer day. His images transport you to a place where it's not hard to imagine a beautiful woman enjoying a stroll down a country lane, letting the breeze play on her body as it likes, feeling the sun on her naked breasts, unaware that there could ever be anything wrong with that. His images show us that the presence of beauty in our every day lives is a wholesome and inspiring thing. Far from hands-off art, these images show us the kind of world we'd all like to live in, moments we'd all like to experience first hand and would remember all our lives, and inspire us to find ways to make it happen. In short, they are superbeauty, and we're delighted he's captured it so well.

If Sеrgеy Goncharov is any indication, the superbeauty style of positive, happy, life-infused images of beautiful women is catching on and spreading around the world. We couldn't be happier.

Make yourself happier. Enjoy this gallery of brave and beautiful Tetyana, and check back often for more exclusive superbeauty in the months to come, only from Body in Mind.



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Angеlіnа Jоlіе wants her nipples to show

If you've seen the poster for the new Tоmb Rаіdеr movie you haven't seen Angеlіnа Jоlіе's nipples. They were airbrushed out by a movie company afraid that some little old lady somewhere might complain. (still more evidence that big corporations are NOT motivated by money but by their version of morality)

But they got complaints anyway, not about Jolie's nipples showing, but about them NOT showing. The compaints came from Angelina herself.

Actually, we think anyone who loves the beauty of women should complain whenever it is taken away from us by cowering morons. Yet rarely does anyone have the guts.

Looks like it's Lаrа Crоft to the rescue again!

Here's the whole story.

Actually, we've set up a new site to let those who do want to fight against those who are always attacking female beauty here.


A nice pair of... links at Page3

Here's a couple of nice links from Page3 land:

Our favourite nude model, Nіkkаlа Stоtt, wins the Page3 Wоrld Cυp. Apparently the world agrees with us! She's not naked, but she is smiling like crazy. We'd stack this girl's smile up against any one feature of any model anywhere.

Page3 has also added a couple of new nude models to its roster, both of which give our favourite newbie, Michelle, some badly needed company in the large breasted department. Click here to see Lena, Natasha, and Michelle.


Click images.




Thе Pіrаtеs of the Bеаυty Sеа

The only flaw in the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean, currently in theatres, is that Kеіrа Knіghtlеy doesn't appear topless or nude in the film. I'm not saying this flippantly or salaciously. I mean it. Here's why:

Pirates of the Caribbean is a highly moralistic film, much like the pirate films of Errоl Flynn. These movies are premised on the timeless truth that the Law is made for criminals only - that good men don't need laws to tell them what is right or wrong - that laws made by dishonest or foolish men are never followed or obeyed by men of real conscience, morality, and daring.

Yet none of these films ever featured their kidnapped ladies in the nude. Like them, Pirates of the Caribbean involves a deeply good and heroic peasant turned swashbuckler who braves great dangers and against all manner of evil and hardship manages to save the woman he loves, a lady who has been kidnapped by pirates. It is a very pro-value, moral, and decent film in every respect - a great film to take the kids too.

This is why there's no nudity. It's based on the assumption that exposing children to female nudity will corrupt them irrevocably, robbing them of their innocence and turning them into sex maniacs, or in other words: into pirates of sex.

The problem is, there is absolutely no evidence that this can happen or ever does. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that it does not happen, the most compelling of which lies in your own soul. You yourself were exposed to nude women when you were a child weren't you? And yet look how good you turned out. You are not a r4pist, or a pervert, or damaged goods, are you?

Of course not! Yet according to the unfounded theories of beauty-haters, you and I could be nothing else. These people have everyone so flummoxed on the issue that they have already managed to make it against the law to let children see nude women without any evidence or proof whatsoever that it is harmful.

I submit that the only evidence in the matter testifies to the fact that maybe the reason you and I turned out so well is precisely because we were 'exposed' to nude beautiful women when we were children. And our response was awe and admiration that has so far lasted our lifetime.

On the other hand, there are the cultures where the children are systematically denied any access to images of nude women, and look how they are turning out. Just turn on the international news any night to find out.

I rest my case.

At Bоdy in Mind, we and our members are all pirates of the beauty sea. We know it takes more than man-made laws to make admiring female beauty wrong. And we've amassed a treasure almost as wonderful as Kеіrа Knіghtlеy nude: we've buried an eyeful of Nikki photographed by Alеxаndеr Fеdоrоv for you, right here.



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Any news, photos or websites to tell us about? Click here.



All models pictured nude on Body in Mind are at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.


All contents © 1997 - 2004 Body in Mind. All rights reserved.