Kеlly Hаll: morning news
We're saddened after the Sоυth Cаrоlіnа Republican candidate debate. None of the candidates supports the Stоp Intеrnеt Pіrаcy Act, the proposed legislation that will empower the American government to protect its citizens from internet piracy. Rіck Sаntоrυm at least supported fighting piracy in principle, but the concensus seemed to be that companies like Google, Youtube, and Facebook represent the fastest growing segment of the economy so it would not be a good time for any legislation that could effect them. But if this is true, if the internet is growing so fast, then why does the American economy continue to shrink at an unprecedented rate? For 15 years the US courts have been unwilling to rule against any major copyright infringing sites on the basis that copyright laws have always been meant to protect innovation. But what they fail to understand is that this was never meant to include innovative ways to break the law! The 15 year-old honeymoon with internet technology needs to end, and we need to realize that the only reason the internet appears to be the fastest growing segment of the economy is because almost everything on it is stolen. No wonder businesses dedicated to copyright infringement are growing at record rates; and why, as they grow, the US economy continues to worsen. More...