We were recently delighted to receive this lucid and vivacious email from a female fan, who we will call, Lex. It's our most recent answer to those beauty-haters out there who claim Body in Mind is nothing more than an adolescent male fantasy. Think again.
Hi, I just stumbled across your site while looking for something else, but, what a stumble! I'm an engineer by profession, have a 160+ IQ and size 38DD breasts, blonde hair and a pretty face, and well, you can imagine the rest.
Still, relationships have been few and far between. I was molested as a child and learned to hate my body. After a teen/20's relationship life that mostly is best described as "seduced and abandoned" (I was a conquest; never the dream girl, but the challenge), I'm someone who can relate totally to Leanne's article about the beauty who spends Friday nights, alone, dateless. I don't even TRY to look "great" or "my best" necessarily, partly because I still have some of the tomboy in me and partly because I know, when I do, it DOES engender some resentment in other women, even though they profess to be friends.
Ironically, while often feeling unloved and unattractive, doomed never to find love or relationship, this year has been the discovery of a married co-worker's 10 year "crush" on me and that half the men in my office (all married) have little crushes on me. I genuinely had no clue, particularly since I don't try to act sexy or flirty at work and half the time am in jeans, workboots and a big baggy sweater.
Lately, I'm in a very weird space mentally. I am discovering whole new dimensions to my sexuality. I have been wondering what it would be like to be able to freely go topless anytime, anywhere, at work, or whatever, not just me, but anyone... not for tawdry or lewd sexual stuff, but - exactly as you say - because breasts are beautiful and doubly so on beautiful women.
Can a beautiful woman/women save the world? Perhaps they can. Considering how often sex can become an addiction, something we love and hate, that causes the abuse of the world and the creatures in it - I say we are DESPERATELY in need of reconnecting with the healing, nurturing, spiritual side of our beings, including our sexuality.
Lately, I've been wondering more and more: What if all women had hard nipples that could be seen all the time? In fact, what if our whole breasts were out there, all the time, in full view? Would the world feel like a more nurturing place?
I began to wonder if I had mine pierced as I had seen on a movie recently, if they stuck up all the time and rings showed through my clothing, or if I simply wore them jeweled beneath my clothes, enhancing their hardness and affording some pleasure and stimulation, if I would mind so much if men stared at them if I was WILLINGLY and INTENTIONALLY inviting them to look, to gaze, to imagine them - not just to have the men imagine they are hard because they are aroused, but to actually HAVE arousing sensations in them as well, to enjoy their hardness as much as someone looking at them enjoys it.
I found a pair of rings that slipped over my nipples and wore them beneath my bra one day. It was a total turn on to know that I had these sexy little things on and I didn't bother to try to hide their hardness under jacket, sweater, etc. Not that those things actually help much. In fact, it was so cold in my office that day that I noticed most of the women were going around crossing their arms in front of them, however, it seemed a shame, because they are beautiful little things after all. I wondered if we all went the OTHER way, and let them salute to the world for all to see, would it be a nicer world?
Later that week, I was walking with my one male friend in a park at lunch and I saw only one other woman who has voluptuous breasts like mine and hard nipples proudly on display. No one was harassing her (as in the story about the women protesting topless and the stupid drooling men in pursuit - true - men need to be re-educated to stop debasing our sexuality) and I felt that for a moment, she was the most beautiful thing in the world not to fear or care if anyone saw that, those quintessential representations of femininity and nurturing. I wondered, is the world so starved for nurturing and love that this is why people pay hundreds, thousands, millions to look at women who are willing to bare themselves naked?
I am still trying, myself, to come to terms with a new understanding of my own sexuality and how to address my own lack of relationships. In writing about it, I think the world would be a fantastic place if beauty and sexuality were more widely available and on display everywhere. I like to look as much as most men and why not? And yet, I realized, if a woman is willing to display herself unashamedly naked or nearly so (and right now, we have only models, strippers and porn stars in this category), she has to be willing to offer that to everyone - not only to prince charmings and young studs. In that respect, the woman in the park was totally on display for anyone who passed by. And when I remove my jacket at work and allow the cold air in the room to do its work, or I'm walking outside and don't bother to button up, I too am I choosing to invite whoever will to look at what is obviously there anyway, and to do so not just without shame, but consciously, intentionally.
It's a strange thing to begin to connect with the power of beauty and sexuality. I don't know what it will lead to, but I'm definitely enjoying the first steps of the journey. I bookmarked your website. Eventually I may decide to join. Thank you for not making me feel bad about being a beautiful and potentially erotic woman.
Thank you, Lex. Your beauty will save the world because it is teaching you to expand and explore the greatness and glory that is you. It is only by realizing what marvellous creatures we can and should be that mankind will learn to value itself, and the world it lives in. This is what female beauty has taught us. And this is what brave, beautiful women like you teach us everyday. You do it by using your beauty the way it was meant to be used: the lovely sight of your hard nipples on your full breasts, proudly displayed, reminds us all to live life to the fullest every day. How can we ever thank you enough for that, except to say that we love you for it.