Saturday, June 27, 1998.

Click to enlarge

Maruja the Strong

All too often we hear that the modern woman's sexual freedom is owed to the Wоmеn's Lіb movement and ensuing feminist revolution.


Nothing and no one has done more to turn women into nodding automatons than feminists. They, much more than men, have kept women down by preventing them from discovering and using their sexual power; nothing has turned men against women in greater numbers than hate spitting-feminists; and no one perpetuates the image of women being hopelessly dependant on men than feminist organizations begging so-called "old boy" governments for money or favors.

In reality, the sexual freedom enjoyed by women today is due more to supermodels who pose nude than to feminists.

There is no more obvious model of female power and success than the supermodel. No one has done more to give women back their sexuality than supermodels who pose nude after they are already famous and successful. The sexual freedom of women is, when it comes to supermodels at least, also enjoyed by men, which is why men are more inclined to generally go along with it, than fight it. And since they have amassed their stellar fortunes selling clothes to women, there is no woman less dependant on the financial resources of men than the supermodel.

Actually, women's power has always been firmly rooted in their beauty and sexuality. Nothing illustrates this principle better than my favourite painting in the whole world, Maruja the Strong by Sіr Wіllіаm Rυssеll Flіnt (above). In this painting, and in the world at large, female strength and sexuality go together.

If you doubt it, consider the condition of women in certain 3rd world nations like Egypt and Iran.

Women in these countries are taught - and often forced by law - to cover themselves from head to toe. They have absolutely NO sexual freedom and NO political power.

It's always true. Wherever and whenever powerful women express their sexuality, women in general have power and political freedom. And if they can't express it, they don't.

So, please, let's stop giving feminists a credit they most decidedly do not deserve. It's beauty - and respect for it - that secures women's freedom. Which means it's supermodels - and women like Maruja - we should be thanking.

© 1998 by Dwаynе Bеll

Tomorrow: How the above painting made me think I might be Sіr Wіllіаm Rυssеll Flіnt reincarnated.

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
