
Dеаr Bоdy in Mind,

I was looking on the web for "philosophy of beauty" today and google took me to your page... needless to say, I did not expect to see naked women from such kind of web search and at first I felt definitely uneasy about seeing your website on my office computer.

I'm trying to find out just what it is that put me off your page in this initial moment. Because, of course I agree with you that all your photos and artwork is "beautiful" - many women are beautiful, naked or clothed - so there's no question that I would dislike seeing your photos. (But at this moment I really was more interested in reading about philosophy.)

On your site you defend yourself against the opinion of some people who would class the work you do as "porn", along with any other nude photography. I think you're right to insist that it is not. However, in this day and age we are so accustomed to associate pictures of naked women with porn that it is difficult to keep our minds free of these demeaning thoughts, especially in internet as a medium. I doubt that you will be able to get people to view your site with a clear mind of appreciating true beauty, because this idea is so radical in this age where female nudity is always covered up. (Incidentally, did you ever notice that the Western public seems to have an even greater aversion to seeing the male sex fully naked? Think of how many times you can see naked vaginas in mainstream media compared to naked penises.) In fact, I imagine that your website is probably achieving the opposite of its objective by attracting those people who do come to internet in search of porn. This is a saddening thought.

The other comment I want to raise is the topic of the "beauty myth" (see eg Nаоmі Wаtts' book) - the problem that many women find themselves in need of increasing their "beauty", be it in order to gain self-confidence, success at work, or the appreciation of their female (and male) friends. Apparently, this reinforcing cycle of trying to appear more beautiful, which is conditioned through media and advertising that continually provide an image of "woman" even more idealised and "beautiful", is a major reason for lacking self-esteem in women, who end up feeling exploited for their beauty. So, while it is good to see beautiful women on your website, it will also bring many women to compare themselves to the standards you set forth and they will end up feeling inadequate. Equally, men might begin judging their partners according to the beauty they have seen on your website. In the end this will lead to less, not more, appreciation of true beauty because the everyday beauties cannot live up to the targets set by you through your selection and promotion of ideals.

I see these two arguments as major objections to your website. In principle, I think you CAN instill a sense of beauty-awareness in people through showing them pictures of beautiful women, but on your website it is too easy to see the photos "out of context". And when you watch these photos with an "unclean" mind, one that perceives these women with an emotional value attached (e.g. lusting for the portrayed body, or disliking one's own body for being less beautiful than the one in the picture), then one cannot appraise the beauty inherent in the photographed woman. So for the majority of people who see your website, I'd say that they are missing the point and you're not helping them recognise beauty. This is a problem of internet in general: you cannot choose who visits a webpage, and you cannot guide them along either. (Or at least you don't here.)

So whereas I have ended up more aware of the basic ill of our society that conditions us to associate the pictures of naked women with sex instead of valuing the women as both women and being beautiful, I still feel sceptical about your approach because I doubt that many people can easily rid themselves of their stigmata regarding naked women. Like you said in describing the reactions of your work colleagues at seeing your photographer's business card - the stigma in their heads is strong and it will initially lead to consternation, lust, self-evaluation or other unwanted reactions. And the viewer's attention will have wandered elsewhere before he/she realises that that which really is out of place is his/her own attitude to seeing naked beautiful women.

I don't know if you usually reply to emails or don't. As an "improvement" to your site, which would clear many of the comments above, I would ask you to add the option of seeing your website without the graphics. Maybe you should show all first-time visitors that version, and provide a link (something like "I'm ready to appreciate the beauty of naked women now") before confronting them with it. For, as unfortunate as this is, many people will not appreciate the beauty when seeing your site.

Best wishes - I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.




What makes you think we're doing our site for 'most people'? We're doing it for the people who can look at nude women and see something beautiful.

If you can't, or they can't, the problem is yours and theirs, not ours.

Our goal is not to make money, or goal is to make beauty. This is what makes us different and insures quality.

We disagree that high ideals in beauty make women feel bad. What makes women feel bad is spreading the false idea that all women are equally beautiful. When women hear this, then they feel they have to be beautiful - as beautiful as models.

If instead we teach women that some women are very beautiful and others not, then they do not all feel they have to be as beautiful as models.

Make no mistake, models have to be beautiful. But other women do not. Most women manage to find love without looking like models.

This is the message women need to hear.

It's our message.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Dwayne and Lеаnnе Bеll


Hey dwayne and leanne -

Thanks for your reply, it's very appreciated! I'm afraid I came across as sounding very critical, I didn't mean it that way... it was just my first reaction. So in a way you are of course right in saying that it is my problem if I had a problem with your site.

But why shouldn't you try to make your site for 'most people'? Wouldn't that be much more effective at getting your message across? What use preaching to the already converted...

I'm glad your site exists... I'll need to think a bit more about what it means to me, but it's good to know it's made by honest people who want to see more beauty in the world.

Best wishes



Hі Chrіstіаn,

Yes, you came across as critical. Maybe next time do your thinking BEFORE emailing and not after? ;-)

The reason we don't aim at everyone is because most people do not think before they act, yourself included I'm sorry to say.

Now because we made you look now you will think.

This is our plan. And it is the purpose of beauty.

We preach to the converted, for the same reason that churches do it every Sunday. It is not large groups of people who change history. It is the few who think, and worship what they love.

Thanks for your email.


Dwayne and Lеаnnе Bеll
Creators and Editors


Body in Mind

And they lived happily ever after...


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