Is Sυpеrbеаυty making a comeback? Oh please, oh please...

First we noticed that fashion trends repeat themselves every decade or so.

Next we read a fashion report (I wish I could remember where) that said bold bright colours, big jewellery, and big hair were coming back. (1989 was the last time these things were considered stylish.)

Now, as America (and the world) enters an age of war, and is looking for a beauty ideal that resounds with the American values we're fighing for, SALTYT has noticed the same thing that happened the last time war loomed heavy in our consciousnesses - our taste in models is turning towards women who are, "healthy, tall, strong."

Perhaps it was no coincidence that Supermodels like Cіndy Crаwfоrd, Stеphаnіе Sеymоυr, and Clаυdіа Schіffеr - models who embodied positive objective values like happiness, success and fully-blossomed femininity - reached their height of popularity during the Gυlf Wаr. As SALTYT says, after the supermodels, "Then the waif wave arrived, then the heroin-chic, then the sick Belgians. And now, as the drums of war roll all over the USA, we are about to witness the comeback of the Grеаt Amеrіcаn Model."

Dare we hope?

And if it is true, let's hope that the 6 years Body in Mind has put in explaining how and why supermodels and objective values disappeared at the same time will help prevent it from happening this time too!

Here's the article.


Raelian women take off their tops for peace

Those kooky Raelians are in the news again. This time a bunch of the female believers removed their tops in a public disrobing ceremony.

What we're wondering is this: How exactly does getting nekkid stop a war, exactly?

Perhaps these pretty ladies sense in some distant way that female beauty is a powerful force that can save the world? Or maybe they sense the power in female beauty to motivate men towards decent behaviour. Maybe they are simply using the excuse of wanting to end the war as an excuse to show their boobs? Is this just another publicity stunt like the cloning thing?

Whatever the reason, we're always glad when pretty women take off their shirts. Maybe if enough pretty women did it men would be too distracted to wage war. Except the militant muslims, of course. We need to remember that bare breasted - or even bare headed - women are just one of the things they're fighting against.

Perhaps that's the best way to look at the Raelian disrobing ceremony. It's exactly the kind of wonderful silliness we're fighting to protect.

Here's their pix.


Webmasters, Body in Mind has switched to GloBill, will you?

Like most webmasters, we do not want to pay setup fees and and suffer VISA restrictions. So we switched from CCBill to GloBill.

Click here to learn more.


My some ladies have beautiful breasts!

Here are 16 of the most beautiful page 3 girls topless all at once. As shoot director Bеn Wіllіаmsоn said, "It was a great privilege but I couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret that I hadn't been born with more eyes."

Here's the pix.


Sandy 4

Sandy 5

Sandy 34

Click images.

(More images and larger sizes in the members area.)



Book naked

Phоtоgrаphеr Mаnfrеd Baumann has given us a small bonus gallery for our members of one of his loveliest models, Sandy.

As we said in our last Baumann gallery, we like his work because his photos of nude women project something rarely achieved by anyone - he projects an image of women beautifully nude in our everyday lives. And not sloppy naturist nude either, but nude with modern style and sophistication and intelligence.

We love women who can look intelligent completely naked, or should we say, book naked.

See what we mean. If you're a Body in Mind member, click here.

If not you can join here

You can see more samples in our galleries.

Webmasters: To link directly to this item click here and copy URL from address bar.


Prіncе Chаrmіng hits 80 and is still going strong

This is an all too rare example of someone unashamedly defending the beauty they love, the beauty of women.

The unlikely hero of our story is an 80-year-old man who lives in a nursing home where a friend of ours works. It turns out that this fellow was a happy subscriber to Playboy magazine. The only problem was, he wasn't getting his magazines; the 'head nurse' on his floor was a zealous Christian who kept the magazines from him. (I guess we missed the legal fine print in the Bible that says 'Thou shalt not steal*' - *unless of course it involves female nudity and tampering with the U.S. mail.')

In protest, the man went on a hunger strike, refusing to eat, until his magazines were returned to him. The head nurse was promptly fired and our friend donated some of her husband's own magazines to the ornery octegenarian, whose eyes, we are told, lit up at the sight of them. His appetite promptly returned.

If you love female beauty, there will come a day when you too are asked to defend it. When that time comes, will you have the balls that this 80-year-old man has? There are a great many people out there who would like to see beautiful women suffer and die, and beauty itself destroyed. Clearly these are people who hate female beauty so much that they will not hesitate to attack it even if it involves violating their most sacred beliefs, to the peril of their very souls.

This is the kind of scathing hatred few people have the guts to face. It takes a special kind of man to defend beautiful women from monsters of this kind.

That's why, in fairy tales, and around here as well, those who do, are called 'heroes'.


Tаrа Kіng as the buxom - and topless - french maid

If you don't know who Tаrа Kіng is, you should. See her pictorial here.


The rarest and the best

I've been poking around the Body in Mind site much the way a gardener pokes about his garden, pulling weeds, checking on my favourite pages, watering here and there where needed, and I've discovered something funny: the best pages are the least visited. Many of the pages on Body in Mind have page counters, some hidden, others right out in the open. And what I've noticed is that unless I link directly to a certain page, very few people visit them. But then, isn't this always true, about everything? Unless you're the kind of simpleton who is only pleased by what pleases everyone else, you have had to look hardest for those things in life that please you the most. Might I humbly suggest then, to you gentle reader, that you try to find the most lonely and forgotten page on this site? I promise you won't regret it. I plant all my most beautiful flowers in the deepest corner of my garden. - DBell (March 8,2003.)

Vanessa neu 13 Vanessa neu 5 Michelle 22

Click images.

(More images and larger sizes in the members area.)



The women in our lives

Most experts in the area of seduction will tell you that the surest way to make a woman feel good is to tell her that she's beautiful. And it's true - there doesn't seem to be a single woman in the world who doesn't love to hear it.

But there's another side to this dynamic that many experience first hand, but rarely identify or discuss. Some of the greatest joys of living with or being married to a women are the moments of marvellous beauty she creates just for you, inadvertently, combing her hair, moving gracefully around the house, or yawning and stretching in the morning.

It's funny. You can tell a woman she's beautiful to get her into your life, and once in your life, she gives you her beauty. Maybe this is why I've always been attracted to the women who seem capable of a lifelong romance. It's because I'm in it for the beauty, not just the sex, and I want beauty to last me a lifetime.

If you're like me you'll love the photographs of Mаnfrеd Bаυmаnn. He has a knack for capturing those elusive moments of beauty that women create simply by breathing, moving and living their lives with us. These are the moments that stay burned in men's brains for years, sometimes forever.

So will the photos of Mаnfrеd Bаυmаnn. Our latest gallery of his is full of images that capture as closely as is possible to we humans, those times when a woman's beauty is truly breathtaking - which is: when she's right there in front of you, naked.

See what we mean. If you're a Body in Mind member, click here.

If not you can join here    MORE SAMPLES

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All models pictured nude on Body in Mind are at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.


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