![]() ![]() Thіs Rеmеmbrаncе Day we will witness a sacrilage worse than Sikhs refusing to remove their headgear in Rоyаl Cаnаdіаn Legion halls: we will hear our war vet's heroic accomplishment in WWII praised as a great sacrifice that led to the preservation of political freedom. The truth is, self-sacrifice cannot possibly protect us from political tyranny because it causes it. For example, the first country Hitler conquered in WWII was not Poland, it was his own. He never could have done it without appealing to his people's belief in the virtue of self-sacrifice. Because of it he was able to convince them to sacrifice all of their political freedoms, one by one, till none was left. He was then free to do whatever he wanted, to them, and to other countries. Our war vets' great virtue was not self-sacrifice, it was the exact opposite. It was selfishness. Political freedom always depends on that radiant type of selfishness that declares, "Give me liberty or give me death" - and means it. Hitler was made possible by men willing to sacrifice themselves. He was stopped by the men who refused to. The fact that we hear self-sacrifice praised as a virtue in our society is proof that the real enemy in WWII was not defeated. Today it has us surrounded. Our true enemy in WWII was not Hitler, it was the doctine of self-sacrifice. Today people flee to Canada from political tyrannies all over the world - tyrannies caused by the self-sacrificial component in the very philosophies and religions they hope to practise here. As a result, we in Canada now face over 50% taxation, which means every single one of us is willing to sacrifice, to anyone who asks, more than half of our very life - our wealth, our work, our time, our energy, our effort, our goals, our dreams, our future, our children. Canada is 50% political tyranny, but it's a tyranny without a tyrant. In Cаnаdа we impose tyranny upon ourselves, for no reason, in the name of self-sacrifice. But the difference between free countires and tyrannies is not that in free countries the self-sacrifice is voluntary while in tyrannies it is forced. Political freedom does not mean the freedom to choose slavery. It means we no longer have to sacrifice ourselves at all. Political freedom means the right to practise your own sacred beliefs on your own private property. In Cаnаdа, everyone has that right. Sikhs have it; and our war vets have it. But that is not enough for certain Sikhs. They want the right to practice their beliefs on someone else's property. Well, that's what Hitler wanted too. Praising, preaching, practising, or imploring self-sacrifice is worse than an insult to our war veterans, it is an attack on political freedom. It's a scoundrel's means of getting what he can't get in an atmosphere of political freedom, be it control of your club, or your country. It's our veterans' stand against such scoundrels, and against whole armies of self-sacrificers, that makes them heroes. This is what we need to remember today.
Copyright 1997 by Dwаynе Bеll Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com ![]() | ![]() |