February 12, 2002 - Why would anyone attack Lаеtіtіа Cаstа?

Lеаvе Lаеtіtіа Casta alone!

By Dwаynе Bell

Normally, the evil of feminist activists is so obvious I consider exposing it unnecessary, but when they try to disguise their virulent hatred of beautiful women as a form of 'sincere' activism, I feel I must. And make no mistake, it's nothing more than a virulent hatred of female beauty that's behind the latest feminist attacks on supermodel Lаеtіtіа Cаstа.

French feminists have recently denounced a Gаlеrіеs Lаfаyеttе ad which depicts Laetitia with torn clothes and a black eye proudly displaying the last chocolate she's managed to score in the holiday rush for the Gаlеrіеs' Vаlеntіnе chocolates section. Citing the black eye that Laetitia so proudly exhibits in the ad, the feminists claim the ad is 'sexist' and a threat to women everywhere. It trivializes and encourages violence against women, they say.

In real life, Lаеtіtіа Cаstа is just as innocent, fun-loving and feisty as she is in this ad. She is an incredibly beautiful and sexy supermodel and a sought after free-spirited actress. It is her unprecedented popularity and success that really gets the feminists goat. It's Lаеtіtіа's charm, success, and ultimately her very life that these feminists are out to destroy.

If you doubt it consider, all the brutalities women around the globe are currently being subjected to in fundamentalist Islamic and Hindu countries. They are being murdered in the streets. They are having their body parts cut off. They are being denied medical care and individual rights, and they are dying by the thousands.

Yet it is a little black eye on feisty, successful, gorgeous, and successful Lаеtіtіа Cаstа that french feminists are outraged by. In fact, there is nothing to say she didn't get the black eye during a skirmish with another woman.

We all know how spiteful and hateful some people can be towards beautiful women, but when so many innocent women are suffering so horribly around the world, attacking sweet Laetitia for this playful ad is utterly obscene!

It is pure hatred of female beauty.

© 2002 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com

Here's the full story.

Here's the ad.
