Imаgіnе Mаrіlyn Monroe dead on a slab in the morgue. Physically she is exactly the same as she was in life. Her face has the same expression, her breasts are the same size, her legs are just as long. Her hair is still bright blond, and her lips are the most luscious red. Yet, now that she's dead, Marilyn's body has none of the beauty it had in life - it's now nothing more than an unfortunate heap of human flesh and bones. The fact is, Mаrіlyn Mоnrое lost her legendary beauty the moment she died. This is because there's no such thing as physical female beauty. On the other hand, imagine a different lively, bright, healthy young woman, one who, like Marilyn, moves gracefully, and smiles easily. One who freely shares her beauty and her thoughts to the delight of all around her; one who isn't afraid to display and enjoy her own attractiveness; one who is intensely living. Such a woman reveals more than 'physical' beauty, she reveals her confidence, her intelligence, her benevolence and her joy in being alive. It is these qualities of character that make her physical body attractive. It's these that make her beautiful. These are all qualities of her mind. This is the secret of female beauty. To learn more about what specific character traits make a woman beautiful, click here. To see the video, click here. (2.3 mg) ![]() | ![]() |