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November 21, 2004.

Applеsаυcе Anyоnе? Pаrt Thrее

By Bаυеr Westeren

(Back to Pаrt Twо)

Whеn Mаn Mеt Wоmаn

It was the beginning of time, and Man and Woman lived alone and apart.

Man, using his instincts to survive, hunted day after day for his next meal. When he wasn't hunting, Man found shelter to hide from the elements. This traveling alone sustained Man enough to survive. Bυt Mаn was not complete.

It was nothing that Man could speak of, but something was missing in his life. He would catch a glimpse of this something when, late in the afternoon, he looked to the falling light in the sky. The colors stirred up something inside of Man that he never noticed before. And in the stone tools he created, Man noticed something else. Again, it was a something that had never been noticed before. Man would roll the shiny, black spear head in his hand and something would spark inside him. This mysterious something quickly was forgotten as soon as Man put down his tools. At night, when Man sat by the heated light he had created, a new warmth would come over him. He could sense that this warmth was different from the one that his heated light gave. Man did not know what this was, but he did not mind it. It comforted him. In the morning, Man would get up and go on the hunt again. It was the way things always were.

One morning, Man decided to go away from the rising light in the sky. He had always followed this light, because it never failed him. He knew, that at the end of the light, all he needed to do was to turn around and follow the path that the light took, and he would get back home. But today, Man decided to follow his own path. He would go against the light in the sky. This new found sense of power thrilled Man. His heart beat faster. His legs seemed to carry him easier and with more speed.

Soon, Man heard something he had never before. It sounded much like the moving of the trees around him in the forest. Except, this was different. It would rise and fall, rise and fall, over and over again. A constant coming and going of sound.

Curiosity propelled Man faster and faster toward the mysterious noise. Eventually, light began to break through the forest. Up ahead, he could see that it ended. When he reached the end, Man came to a barren sight. The ground here was not like the ground in the forest or in the mountains. It was the color of the light in the sky. And it was soft under Man's feet. And warm. Man liked the feeling. He looked ahead and saw that this ground disappeared into the largest body of water he had ever seen. And then Man knew what he had heard. This water was repeatedly coming up onto the land and going back into itself. Man stood still for a long time looking at this strange new place.

As Mаn was looking out at the body of water, he noticed something out there.

It was black, and moved with the water. It almost looked like an animal's coat. Suddenly, this black thing rose out of the water. To his surprise, Man saw someone like himself. Except this was different. It was smaller than he was, with less hair on it's body. Whеrе Mаn was rough and angular, it was smooth and rounded. It didn't seem to be as strong as Man, but it moved with no effort out of the water, like a jungle cat.

It moved closer to Man, slowly at first, with care. Whеn Mаn did not move to run or attack, it came faster. When it was within only a few steps of Man, it made sound. It seemed to be trying to talk to Man. Man was very confused, but was not afraid. The face of this new creature was kind. It smiled at him, and he smiled back. The creature pointed to itself and made the sound, "Wo-man". It pointed to Man.

He did not understand this creature so Man just smiled at it. Again, it pointed to itself and made the sound, "Wo-man". Then it pointed back at him. Slоwly Mаn realized what it wanted.

He pointed to himself and said, "Man". The creature, named Woman pointed to itself and said, "Woman" and then at Man and said, "Man". They both smiled at each other.

Woman looked at Man. She saw something powerful, something that could protect her from the other creatures in the forests.

Man looked at Woman. He sensed the same 'something' he often had when looking at the falling light in the sky. Whеn Wоmаn looked at him, he felt the 'something' that had been there when he held his spear head in his hands and when he sat by his heated light. He liked Woman. He liked looking at Woman. Woman's body was much different than his. He liked its roundness.

Her chest stood out much further than his and looked soft. When she moved, Woman's chest swayed slowly back and forth. The hair on woman's legs was much smoother and softer than Man's. Her skin was lighter, and more delicate.

Man wanted to protect Woman from the dangers of the forest. He wanted to show his skills at finding food and shelter. Man looked back at Woman's face. She was smiling again. She liked the way Man was looking at her. Man reached out his hand to touch Woman. He felt her black hair; as black as his spear head. He brushed his hands over Woman's face, feeling the softness of her skin. Suddenly, names came to Man's mind. Happiness. Joy. Pride. These are the things that Man had sensed inside himself before.

And he sensed all of them within himself now, looking at Woman. He was happy and joyful because she was happy and joyful. He felt pride in himself because of the way she looked at him. He decided to name what it was about Woman that made him feel all of these things. He named it Beauty.

Woman's beauty made her a pleasure to look at. It made Man happy to be with her and happy to be alive. Hеr Bеаυty made him want to impress her and made him proud of his accomplishments - his spear, his hunting prowess. Hеr Bеаυty made him complete.

Man knew that this was what had been missing from his life. He would not let it go from his life again.

Tо Bе Continued...

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. No characters are meant to portray anyone living, or dead (except for myself) Any questions, comments, or suggestions on this story, or any other of my writings found on the Body in Mind website, are greatly accepted and appreciated.

Feedback to Bаuеr Wеstеren

© 2004 by Body in Mind