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October 17, 2004

Sеllіng Pυmpkіns - Part 1

Mankind's salvation rests quietly in a tiny pumpkin seed sleeping under the cold, hard, frosted ground. That seed is a tiny little idea that threatens to bring violent, hypocritical modern society crumbling down and replace it with a beautiful, glorious paradise on earth. What is that idea? Why isn't it growing? What will happen to it? Why does the world resist the paradise that harmless little seed promises?

The idea is just this: female beauty is meant to sell values, to us all.

The first obstacle in the way of our little seed is extreme cold. The cold that results from being completely ignored and mistaken for something else, namely: sex. Our world seems completely unable - or unwilling - to distinguish female beauty from sex. Every ad, poster or TV show that features a beautiful woman is denounced as using sex to sell.

This leads us to the next obstacle smothering our helpless seed - drought. How can it be watered when no one knows - or wants to know - it's there?

Misidentification of beauty as outright sex creates another horrible obstacle for our lovely flower. Whenever it does manage to grow a little and reaches the nurturing sun it's immediately chopped down or trampled mercilessly, mistaken for a weed by any untrained - or purposely unfocused - eye. As long as people believe it's sex that sells and not beauty they will always ridicule, denounce and ban any representation of female beauty when it is used to sell anything.

Robbing our seed of the sun of popular attention leaves it unable to grow into the inspiring flower it is meant to be. It denies female beauty enough time in the open air to teach us that it doesn't need sex to sell, and that, for some reason, it can and does outsell sex every time. (In fact, Playboy, a magazine based on the sexual allure of 'the girl next door' recently replaced Hυgh Hеfnеr with the former editor of the more successful Maxim magazine, which is based on the attractiveness of modern starlets. Maxim is non-nude.)

Thus beauty's unparalleled ability to sell goes unnoticed and unidentified - it's breathtaking blooms wilting from our toxic disdain before their lovely scent can reach our senses. And never having fully breathed its rousing aroma, we have never learned that female beauty is not a toxic weed but rather the most precious and ancient orchid known to man. We simply don't know that it has a wonderful power over us, that it inspires us to achieve grandeur, loveliness and personal growth. There is simply no other way to achieve the values it offers.

In fact, female beauty is nature's way of selling us our values. Think about it. How else do we make enough money to buy that Porsche with the hot blonde dr4pеd over it unless we choose a career that will allow us to earn it? And how do we get a hot blonde of our own unless we develop in ourselves the same kind of character and attractiveness we find in her?

In a week when the government of Spain and the women of Canada are attacking the use of female beauty to sell us values as diverse and wide-ranging as women's film-making and professional tennis, we at Body in Mind are proud to offer the world a colourful garden of female beauty in full bloom - our tribute to female beauty's power to sell - Marina selling pumpkins by Vаlеry Anzіlоv.

We think female beauty should be allowed to germinate, grow, blossom and bear fruit as unashamedly and unmistakably as pumpkins do.

© 2004 by Body in Mind