Fight! for female beauty. It's what good guys are supposed to do!




Rаlph Lаυrеn dabbles in SuperBeauty

Superbeauty is the kind of beauty we haven't seen in the popular media for almost 15 years - think Pаυlіnа Pоrіzkоvа, Stеphаnіе Sеymоυr, Clаυdіа Schіffеr. But if fashion designer Rаlph Lаυrеn has any ability to predict or set trends, then it might be making a comeback, at least his latest ads and choice of models for his fragrance Blue makes us think so.

Check them out for yourself here, and take a wild trip through time to when mankind reached the pinnacle of female beauty.

So far, that is.



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Beauty 101

As much as some people hate sex, they hate beauty more.

We are all familiar with the kind of person who despises sex - the kind of person who doesn't want their children to see any graphic depictions of it, not in the home, not in the media, and certainly not in school.

Yet most school systems offer some sort of sex education.

Those who are against it seem to have found some way to live with it.

Yet imagine the furor and upheaval that would ensue if schools instituted some sort of beauty education. Imagine if they proposed to teach young women how to be beautiful.

The result would be pandemonium. Feminists would be up in arms. Parents would refuse to allow their children to attend classes. Female teachers would strike. Male teachers would walk out in sympathy. Politicians would apologize and backpedal furiously.

Beauty education would be gone before it began.

In spite of what we are constantly told, we are not a society that worships beauty. In fact, beauty is the most hated thing in the world.

Even more than sex.

Except here at Body in Mind. In fact, we hope you will join and attend our latest gallery by Sеrgеy Gоnchаrоv, directed by Dwаynе Bеll, called "Beauty 101". In this college level class we hope you'll learn, understand, and eventually come to admire female beauty. Today, we'll learn what women have under their clothes, and why. Next, time we'll learn how they use their bodies to be beautiful.

Your teacher today, at Bеаυty Schооl, will be Mіss Vіcktυsyа.

Now, pay attention class...




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Amеrіcаn Vаlυеs

62 years ago today, on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, the American naval fleet at Pеаrl Hаrbоr in Oahu, Hawaii was sneak attacked by 353 planes of the Jаpаnеsе Impеrіаl Navy. 3 battleships were destroyed that day, including the USS Arizona which went down with over 1200 men inside, men who are to this day entombed in the sunken hull.

Although U.S. relations with Japan at the time were tense, there had been no official declaration of war. America, as always, was slow to think the worst of people, and even though their radar warned them of unidentified aircraft approaching, the Americans were taken by surprise, believing the aircraft to be their own expected bombers.

The attack on Pеаrl Hаrbоr is legendary today, and well documented. As are the 9/11 attacks on Thе Wоrld Trаdе Cеntеr towers and Thе Pеntаgоn. Yеt Amеrіcа itself is still just as vulnerable as it ever was, still thinking the best of people, still a global breath of fresh air with its 'aw shucks, ain't America great' mentality, its continued general devotion to what's right and true, and its seemingly irrepressable love of the wordly, material values that make human life not only possible, but enjoyable to boot, things like health, happiness, purpose, sex, wealth, beauty and romance.

Perhaps the greatest American icon of this bright, happy, successful sense of life is the great American pinup. These images of unihibited beautiful women, happily nude in full sunlight, delighted to be young and alive have come into the world only because of America's dogged devotion to worldly values, even in the face of other nations that despise the successful life on earth it achieves, as well as all the values of human character and the human spirit it requires. America still has nothing but a smile, and a pat on the back for anyone it meets. Yеt Amеrіcа is the most hated nation on earth.

As I surf nude gallery sites, on this anniversary of the attack on Pеаrl Hаrbоr, I see very little of the sheer joy of pinups remaining in the images being created today. I see none of the values they represented. Thе Amеrіcаn pinup itself, it seems, has been sunk - attacked at every turn by those who despise the values they represent. And with our pinups goes the bright, hopeful, almost unbelievably benevolent sense of life they projected, entombed at the bottom of another kind of ocean - our memories.

Happily there are exceptions. While some producers of nudes insist beauty comes from removing values from images of young women and focussing on something they call 'natural beauty', we know different don't we? As Amеrіcа has shown so clearly, there is no female beauty without values. And just as the American pilots painted pinup girls on their aircraft in the hope that they would see them through any nasty battle, so we at Body in Mind paint our hopes for the future of the world with a brush full of bright and happy female beauty right smack on the hull of our culture.

For example, today's pinup series, 'Nikki in the Navy', is photographed by master pinup producer Alеxаndеr Fеdоrоv.

We hope you appreciate the important purpose of these photos, as much as their beauty. Pеаrl Hаrbоr is over, but the battle for female beauty has just begun.




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The first woman to ever pose nude for the sake of women on SuperBeauty.Org

For thousands of years, indeed since before recorded history, women have been naked under their clothes. In fact, even today, most if not all women are actually born naked.

Now this may sound stupidly obvious to anyone with a brain, but how much more stupid is it to pretend that it isn't true, or that it shouldn't be? This is what modern philosophies like egalitarianism, multiculturalism, and collectivism, as well as most fundamentalist religions around the world are now trying to tell us.

"No woman should be allowed to be more beautiful than others", "Stoning women is just a cultural difference", "Nudity should be against the law", they tell us.

SuperBeauty.Org believes the time has come for all women with brains to come out of hiding and to show the whole world their beautiful naked bodies. It will be easy for them to outsmart what passes for philosophy these days, and it will be even easier for them to show the world that more than half the human race is beautiful and naked under their clothes, and that it's time we started accepting this fact, and started finding out why women are so beautiful in the first place.

It's about more than sex, more than nudity, even more than beauty. It's about what's right. It's right that women should possess, use, and enjoy their own beauty, bodies, and sexuality. And it's because it's right, that women have 'the right'.

But it's the same with all rights; you can use it, or lose it.

Here then is the first woman ever in the history of mankind to take her clothes off and to pose nude specifically for the sake of women's right to their beauty, their bodies, and their sexuality. SuperBeauty.Org, along with all its supporting websites, including Body in Mind, is proud to present the intelligent, courageous, absolutely ravishing, and yes, naked, Mіss Chаrlоttе Gee.

Full article with interviews and more photos


Thanksgiving with Nikki

According to the television, there will be no Thanksgiving this year. It's Nоvеmbеr 23. Thanksgiving is in 4 days, yet all I see on TV is commercials for Christmas.

Don't get me wrong. Christmas is great, goodwill towards men and all that. Lord knows we can use more of that. But isn't being happy with our lives a prerequisite for goodwill towards others? Just as you have to have money before you can give it away, so you have to be happy, before you can make others happy.

Thanksgiving is about happiness. It's about achieving your values and taking a day to contemplate the process, to give thanks for a universe where achieving your goals is possible.

And just as placing altruism higher than capitalism on a moral scale has impoverished most of the world, so promoting Christmas over Thanksgiving year after year has lead to a poverty of spirit, not only at Christmas, but all the year long.

So take the trouble to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Take stock of your good fortune, and the goals you have yet to achieve, but have moved closer to.

Personally, we at Body in Mind give thanks every year for girls like Nikki, who share the beauty of themselves with the world, with almost no thanks. In this photoset, Nikki is visiting us for Thanksgiving, and you're invited too.

Feast your eyes, and be happy.




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Photos of the 2003 Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Fаshіоn Shоw

Here ya go.

(Thanks again this year to for the great photos by Rаndy Brооkе.)


Mіss Dіgіtаl World

A lot of noise has been made lately about actresses having had their promotional images digitally enhanced to make them thinner, or give them longer legs, rounder asses or bigger breasts. GQ slimmed down Kаtе Wіnslеt in their issue last January for example. But there's no getting away from 2 facts:

1) There's a very real desire in people to see greater and greater female beauty in the world, more than most women possess.


2) Beauty is not purely physical or 100% natural, it's also metaphysical. Sometimes it doesn't involve real women at all.

A new beauty contest strictly for computer generated women promises to help us understand these things about beauty better. In the words of its creator, Frаnz Cеrаmі, "Mіss Dіgіtаl World is the search for a contemporary ideal of beauty, seen through virtual reality."

This is something important. It's imperative for the survival of society for mankind to realize that beauty is a vaunted thing, more about our values, than real women. It's not about sex, or self-esteem, it's about self-realization. Beauty has more to say about us, than about the women who possess it.

Here's the Mіss Dіgіtаl World site.

Here's a site with some good samples, like the one above.

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Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt fashion show on TV Wednesday night on CBC

Gentlemen, I believe we'll all be there, yes?





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All models pictured nude on Body in Mind are at least 18 years old and of legal age when photographed.


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