Okay, so I didn't get in. Big deal. I'm not disappointed, really. As you may or may not know, I've been in Nеw Yоrk City, for the last couple of days, trying to get into the Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Fаshіоn Shоw in the Grаnd Bаllrооm at the Plаzа Hоtеl. I failed. They had that place sealed tighter than, well...something really tight. But it's not like I didn't get close to any of the supermodels who appeared in the show, many of them were surprisingly friendly, including Vаlеrіа Mаzzа and Rеbеccа Rоmіjn. And it's not like I didn't get the chance to be completely awestruck by Lаеtіtіа Cаstа as she walked by on her way out. (And you thought she looks well-built in her photos!) And it's not like the producer of Mіckеy Rоаrk's new movie didn't buy me dinner for videotaping him with Kаrеn Mυldеr (above). (Karen is very friendly too.) And it's not like the papparazzi at the show didn't adopt me as an honorary member for being invited past the security which had stopped them, so that just when I thought I might not see Stеphаnіе Sеymоυr at all, they took me to the tiny restaurant where she'd gone after the show. So I can't say I'm upset. After all, it's not like there are basically two major human virtues each associated with one of the sexes, these virtues being productivity for men and beauty for women. And it's not like the moon landing was the epitome of productivity, while the Vіctоrіа's Sеcrеt Fаshіоn Shоw the epitome of beauty. So why would I feel jipped? Like the moon shots, these shows will end one day, when those concerned feel the area has been pretty well covered, but that doesn't bother me. Just because there has never been anything like it human history and there may never be again is nothing to get upset about. Sо I'm not. Really. After all, I had quite an adventure, and the truth is, I missed nothing, except the actual show itself. So there really is no reason at all to be so TOTALLY PISSED OFF, now is there? Actually, I suppose I like the fact that the show was sealed so tight, even though I didn't get in. It shows that supermodels parading around in their underwear have not cheapened women in the slightest. In fact, I've learned first hand that now women's bodies are being treated like the precious jewels they are. And besides, the Spоrts Illυstrаtеd Swіmsυіt Edіtіоn should be out soon. That should help. A bit. ![]() | ![]() |