Saturday, March 28, 1998

An Explаnаtіоn for the Schооlyаrd Shооtіngs in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Everyone seems surprised and confused by the shootings in Arkansas. I'm talking about the one where two boys, aged 11 and 13, dressed themselves in camouflage fatigues, pulled a fire alarm, and opened fire on their fellow classmates as they left the school building, killing 5, and injuring 11 more. People don't seem to know whether to blame video games, the media, parents, or society in general.

It all becomes clear enough, though, when you look at the details of the case.

Have a look at the list of the dead and see if you notice a pattern.


Nаtаlіе Brооks, 12
Pаіgе Ann Herring, 12
Stеphаnіе Jоhnsоn, 12
Brittany R. Varner, 11
Shаnnоn Wrіght, 32

The news media tell us that an 11 and a 13 year old boy shot and killed 5 students and a pregnant teacher. They also mention that many more people were injured. What they don't mention right away, is that the 5 victims were all females.

Jеnnіfеr Nіghtеngаlе, a classmate of the accused killers, is reported to have said that the 13 year old one swore he would kill anyone who broke up with him or who was a snob.

Anyone or any girl?

Do you see the pattern here?

Not only is the media missing the obvious, but what they're missing is the fact that this crime is most likely caused by hatred of female beauty and sexuality - hatred for its ability to make us want it, and for its ability to turn us down.

What justifies the punishment of death for women or girls who exercise this ability, in the minds of men and boys? They have been taught that female sexuality is immoral, so they can rationalize their desire to kill girls who have turned them down by telling themselves that these girls are immoral in the first place for making themselves desirable.

Do you doubt this explanation?

Got a better one?

I thought not.

When you realize that belief in the immorality of female beauty is so rampant in our society and permeates our culture so completely that it is totally ignored as a real problem (or even a plausible explanation in this case), when you notice that even 11 year olds have been convinced and decide that young girls are evil and deserve to be gunned down, then there is nothing surprising or confusing at all about the shootings in Arkansas.

If you're still having trouble believing it, however, check out the following list of the 11 "persons" injured, as ABC News calls them.

Wounded: (condition as of morning of March 27)

Chrіstіnа Amеr, 12, treated and released
Amаndа Bаrnеs, 13, critical condition
Ashlее Bеtts, 12, stable condition
Jеnnа Brооks, 12, treated and released
Whіtnеy Irvіng, 11, treated and released
Jеnnіfеr Jаcоbs, 12, stable condition
Brіttnеy Lаmbіе, 13, stable condition
Trіstіаn McGowan, 13, treated and released
Cаndаcе Pоrtеr, 11, stable condition
Sаrа Thеtfоrd, 42, stable condition
There was an 11th person, unidentified, whose wound did not require hospital treatment. [Italics mine.]

To see what ABC NEWS had to say about the killings, click on the following links.


© 1998 Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
