September 10, 1998.

Thе Mіllеnіυm

The whole world has become fascinated with female beauty lately.

In the last 10 years we've witnessed the greatest surge in growth of reverence and fascination for female beauty in the history of mankind. Never has female beauty been so ubiquitous or so uber alles. The most beautiful women in the world have never been so beautiful as they have been in the last 10 years.

The fashion craze in the first half of this decade was the result of absolutely everyone taking an interest.

Ever wonder why? Why, here, at the end of the 20th century, when all is slowly crumbling around us, when so many are preaching doom and gloom for mankind and the end of the world - why something as superficial as female beauty should become so popular?

The reason is because female beauty is not superficial at all, but is actually where we store our ideals for safe-keeping, even if we're not aware of it. Female beauty is the representation of values, so even if we forget those values and stray from our chosen path, when we see a beautiful woman, it all comes rushing back to us - all of our values and that wonderful world where they have been made real which we let slip away. Beautiful women are the repository of values - of objective values, of things like safety, future, and purpose. So it's no wonder when we are constantly being told that man is destroying the earth and the end of the world is near that we look to beauty to save us.

It's like we are all children looking to our mothers - radiant in hindsight - to make everything okay. It's like female beauty is the last ray of light still reaching us from the perfect world of the future we were all promised as children.

In the last few years, however, we've actually seen a backlash against beauty. We've seen supermodels change from statuesque beauties to androgenous wraiths. And beauty itself has gone from being a glamourous value to being something that causes anorexia.

Thankfully, though, beauty seems to be making a comeback. In the last year or so I've noticed that the same type of supermodels that originally sparked our interest in beauty in the first place - those who embody objective values - are returning to prominance: Lаеtіtіа Cаstа, Rеbеccа Rоmіjn, Tyrа Bаnks, to name a few. In fact, even the original supermodels themselves are coming back: Cіndy Crаwfоrd, Stеphаnіе Sеymоυr, Ellе Mаcphеrsоn, Clаυdіа Schіffеr and Chrіsty Tυrlіngtоn for example.

This has led me to reservedly predict a renewed trend towards beauty as the millenium comes to a close. Not only because people automatically look to beauty to save them, but also because good people want to start something new off brightly.

But I could be wrong.

We are not given many chances to see if there is really hope for the human race, but this is one.

If the current trend is truly back towards objective beauty, it will mean that people want their lives and want values in them.

If not then it means people like the idea of sinking helplessly into non-existence.

For this reason, absolutely everyone should be watching which way the next fashion trend goes with the greatest concern.

© 1998 by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
