September 9, 1998

Altruism vs. Self-Esteem

Beauty is not the enemy of self-esteem, Altruism is.

And women are NOT the particular victims of low self-esteem in our society. Men suffer from it just as much. It's just that feminists have given complaining a certain legitimacy in our society so women do it more than men, that's all. Men tend to hide their emotions more, but more and more we hear men whining "Why don't women like sensitive guys?"

Real cool.

To set out - as feminists do - to gain the admiration of people they despise - in this case men - shows a low self-esteem to start with. Furthermore, if any woman is not good-looking and she tries to impress people who judge others only by their looks, she is screwed. The act of trying to impress people with a quality you'll never possess shows an even lower self-esteem.

The cause of low self-esteem is not beautiful models, the cause is Altruism.

Many people confuse Altruism with benevolence, kindness, and generocity when in fact, the exact opposite is true. You cannot force someone to be nice, or generous. It's a contradiction in terms. Yet that is precisely what Altruism demands.

Altruism preaches self-sacrifice - as well as the sacrifice of others - to any general cause such as the public good or the environment, regardless of whether you want to or not. As Ayn Rand has pointed out, there can be no general good without the good of individuals being taken into account.

When you consider that the goal of morality in the first place is the attainment and protection of values, it becomes clear that any doctrine that preaches the sacrifice of these same values is not a system of morality at all but an insolent negation of it. It is an anti-morality.

That's precisely what Altruism is.

Self-esteem on the other hand is highly moral. It is VERY condusive to the attainment of values. It means you've chosen to love yourself. It means you have set the highest possible standards for yourself, in everything. It means you've decided to love yourself enough to want the best of everything, always.

Our modern beauty standards are not the deadly pill women have swallowed. Altruism is.

By preaching self-sacrifice altruism prevents self-esteem because self-esteem is self love.

© by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com
