September 5, 1998

How big is TOO big?

I like big breasts. And if you're like me, at one time or another, you've probably asked: "How big is TOO big?"

Now, before we answer this question, we first have to ask and answer another one, namely:

Too big for what?

Of course, a woman's personal comfort and lifestyle are crucial in determining whether or not her breasts are too big for her. We always have to take the whole woman into account. Happiness and other virtues can more than make up for breasts which are too big. For example, the lady in the picture above is perfectly charming. But for the sake of today's argument, I'm going to assume we're talking about beauty. When we ask, "How big is too big?", we're really asking "When are breasts so big they look bad?"

To answer this question, we first have to remember what beauty itself is. Beauty is the representation - or physical embodiment - of values.

(Now one might be tempted to ask, "Whose values?", but the values I'm talking about are not anyone's in particular. I'm talking here about objective values, i.e., values which all good people share, such as purpose, sex, or character. One might also be tempted to ask, "Can't ugly women embody values?". The answer is: Of course they can. In fact, when they do, it makes them more attractive. Their looks, however, cannot embody values, and remember, like I said in the first paragraph, we're talking about a woman's looks here, NOT the woman herself.)

So, if beauty is the representation of values, what do breasts represent or embody that make them beautiful?

Female sexuality.

Breasts are the flesh and blood abstraction of female sexuality. They are its essence incarnate.

A woman's head, on the other hand, represents her character. Her face reflects it.

The length of her legs represents stature or even status, etc.

Now, we are ready to begin answering our question:

Breasts - or any part of a woman's body - are too big - or too small - when their physical size is out of proportion with the moral importance of the value(s) they represent.

To put it more generally: When ALL of the parts of a woman's body match in size the moral value of what they represent, we say that that woman is well proportioned, i.e., has a nice figure.

For example:

Since breasts represent female sexuality and the face represents character, and since a woman's character is more important than her sexuality, if her breasts are bigger than her face, then they will look too big.

This, then, answers the question, "How big is too big?". However, it doesn't tell us how small is too small, now does it?

To answer this precisely we again have to look at proportion and values.

As we have seen, for all parts of a woman's body to be "in proportion", they all have to assume relative sizes to each other which reflect the relative values of the things they represent. So, for her breasts to be proportionate to the rest of her, they have to be big enough to hold sexuality's place on the scale of moral value, which is pretty darn high. But to compare what breasts represent with what all the other parts of her body represent, and then to determine whether or not everything is as it should be, could take hours, or even months. So, I'm not even going to try.

I'll answer the question a different - less precise - way.

(It's absolutley amazing, though, that the above is precisely what our brains do every time we look at a woman and decide whether or not she has nice breasts. We assess how well every part of her body represents the values that pertain to them and then compare each part to each other! It's amazing not alone for the fact that we can do it almost instantly! The result is our reaction, "She's beautiful!", or "She's not.")

To determine how small is too small, I'm going to look at the function of a woman's breasts. Ayn Rаnd has said that the beauty of the human body is that every part of it performs a specific function. I'd say then that the beauty of any particular body part depends on how well and how simply it performs that function - its elloquence.

For example, everyone has a nose. Yet some noses are more attractive than others. Why?

It's because some noses are straight (attractive) and some noses are bent (unattractive). The straight noses go straight to their purpose, while bent noses take an unnecessary detour. It's the lack of necessity of this detour that makes the bent nose less attractive than the straight one.

The same applies to a woman's breasts.

Their beauty depends on how elloquently they perform their function. Actually, breasts serve two functions. They feed babies, and they attract men. Thus, if we apply our "functionality is beauty" test to them, then they have to be at least big enough to produce enough milk to feed a baby to be beautiful. More importantly, however, in our day of wet nursing and formula, is their attractiveness to men. Breasts have to be big enough to attract the attention of men, and they have to do it in competition with the other parts of a woman's body.

To do this they have to be just bigger than they need to be proportionally. Just a bit bigger and no more. To attract men they have to be seen by men as having the purpose of attracting them.

So, and I admit this is complicated - beauty is deep! - we've seen that breasts should be just smaller than the woman's face (or head) to be considered nicely proportioned. When breasts become the main focus they are just too big!

We also now know that they have to be big enough to be as noticable as her other value charged body parts (eg. legs). When they all match perfectly you will find the woman perfectly beautiful! And when ALL parts have to be in proportion for you to find her beautiful, then it means you value the woman as a whole!

And lastly we've discovered that breasts must perform only their function - eg. attracting men - no more and no less, and must only be just big enough to do it and no more. They must do it as simply as possible.

Thus we can now say, based on all of the above, that the perfect size for a woman's breasts is such that each breast must be smaller than the woman's head, and preferably just smaller combined.

Having arrived at this conclusion a long time ago, I've spent months looking through my extensive archives to find some pictures of beautiful women who have breasts that are just the right size.

To date, I've found only one, and unfortunately, it's someone who has never posed nude.


Her name is Tyrа Bаnks.

Of course Tyra doesn't have to pose nude for us to see that her breasts are beautiful.

Now we know why. It's because her breasts are exactly the right size.

© by Dwаynе Bеll

Feedback: dbell@bodyinmind.com



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