Help stop the Cаnаdіаn Sеаl Hunt, in honor of Annа Nіcоlе
March 31, 2008 - Back in April 2005, Annа Nіcоlе Smith called on Prіmе Mіnіstеr Pаυl Mаrtіn to "stop the bloody seal slaughter", and asked her fans to do so as well.
PETA posted her message on their website: "The fur industry says that it is killing more seals because of an increase in demand for fur - all fur. Anyone who buys a mink or a fox fur coat or a jacket trimmed in fur bears the responsibility for creating an environment of demand for the furs of these baby seals - who are often skinned while they are still conscious. Please, join me in getting active to stop the bloody seal kill."
PETA has posted a renewed effort to stop the seal hunt, in Anna Nіcоlе's memory. Please check it out.