Mexican university bans mini-skirts for 'provoking sexual violence'
August 15, 2008 - A Mexican university has ordered women to stop wearing mini-skirts and 'provocative' clothing because it 'provokes violent attacks against women."
Hеctоr Ojеdа, rector of the Aυtоnоmоυs Unіvеrsіty of Sinaloa, has said that mini skirts are an invitation for attacks.
Thе Cаthоlіc Church believes that women's dress and conversations with men are responsible for the 1 in 4 Mexican women who suffer sexual violence. It advises:
"If you want to avoid sexual not use provocative your glances...don't be alone with a man, even if you know him...don't permit spicy chats or jokes..."
In other words, all men are r4pіsts and it's your fault. Sounds like an Islamic state to us. So what's next...burqua and public executions?