What's wrong with this picture?
October 30, 2008 - The following two headlines were found on the same news website on the same day:
15 Yеаr Old Gіrl Chаrgеd with Chіld Pоrn for Sеndіng Nυdе Cеll Phоnе Photos of Herself
A girl in Ohio is facing felony charges after she took nude photos of herself and sent them to some high school classmates. She was arrested and charged with illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material and possession of criminal tools.
If convicted, she may have to register as a sex offender. The prosecutor is also considering charges for the students who received the photos.
Mυslіm Clеrіc Fаcеs Pоssіblе Crіmіnаl Chаrgеs for Marrying 12 Yеаr Old Cоntеst Wіnnеr
An Indоnеsіаn muslim cleric may face charges of illegal sex with a minor after marrying a 12 year girl chosen for him through a contest run by his first wife.The girl's parents said financial difficulties led them to marry her to the cleric, who also declared plans to marry a 7 year old girl and a 9 year old girl.
So...a teenager goofs around and takes some nude photos of herself, and she's a sex offender. A 43 year old man has sex with children and he 'may' face charges.