Baby seal hunt scheduled to begin in a few days - protest now!
I wrote to my government representative today to protest the annual Canadian seal "hunt" in which hundreds of thousands of baby seals are bludgeoned to death for their skins. The response I got used words like 'safely harvest this natural resource' and 'experts say it's not cruel' etc. I was actually shocked by the callously blase language, but it shows how out-of-touch the Canadian government is with its people. Canadians overwhelmingly supported a ban on the hunt in 1987, yet since then the government has quietly funded the "hunt" back into existence, apparently simply to employ losers who are otherwise unemployable. A truly progressive ecological position is to preserve as much of the wild as we can, in the hopes that maybe one day we will understand it just a little bit better, and benefit greatly from that understanding. There is no way to slaughter hundreds of thousands of baby animals every year and to know what kind of disasterous effects it will have. Those who think they can are repsonsible for our planet now laying in ecological ruins. Even a child could see that leaving the seals alone to multiply would help save Polar bears from extinction, and that killing baby seals is cruel no matter how it's done. Unfortunately, the slaughter will begin again in a few days unless you take a few moments to register your protest, here .