We all have sexual fantasies that we keep hidden from others. Maybe they are too personal, or too unlikely, or maybe we don't even admit we have them; but something about keeping them secret allows our imaginations to run wild. Sometimes in life - rarely - we get the chance to live one out. Unfortunately it never really works. Something unpleasant always gets into the mix. Try it sometime and you'll see what we mean. This is because fantasies were never meant to be part of real life in the first place. They are flowers that blossom only in the dark; and wither at the first touch of daylight. Fantasies are meant to help us isolate the values in life that are most important to us by wrapping them up in a neat little story for our own personal amusement. So enjoy the story. Go to the movies in your head as often as you like. You will learn something about yourself, because character is what you are in the dark.